Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jul 28 2013

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Clues Answers
'Entertaining Mr. Sloane' dramatist Joe ORTON
'Hmm, let -- ...' MESEE
'Mickey' singer Basil TONI
'My true love -- see' ('Oh! Susanna' lyric) FORTO
'St. -- Fire' ELMOS
'That -- lie!' ISA
'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' heroine Salander LISBETH
'The Piano' pianist ADA
'This is bad!' OHNO
'Try -- might ...' ASI
'Zip- -- -Doo-Dah' ADEE
-- -do-well NEER
-- Brothers ('It's Your Thing' group) ISLEY
-- ear and out the other INONE
-- flight (go by jet) HOPA
Accustoms INURES
Allergic affliction ASTHMA
Animated film featuring Seinfeld's voice BEEMOVIE
Around June or July MIDYEAR
Author Jaffe RONA
Avation aid AUTOPILOT
Baseball card stat RBI
Bel -- cheese PAESE
Bibliophile's love: Abbr BKS
Bishop's district DIOCESE
Body part below a shin ANKLE
Bog bird HERON
Brazilian soccer star PELE
Brew source TAP
Bursting stars NOVAE
Cage of film, informally NIC
Clairol's area HAIRCARE
Cleanup org EPA
Co. that owns Moviefone AOL
Commonality of seven answers in this puzzle THEYHAVEDISKS
Crown TOP
Decrease LESSEN
Dictation-taking pros STENOS
Discomfort MALAISE
Disorder MESS
Diver's gear SCUBA
Draw -- on (take careful aim at) ABEAD
Elegant tree ELM
Fair- -- (blond) TRESSED
False tale LIE
Film holder REEL
Film-rating org MPAA
Fire CAN
First act OPENER
Fleet leader ADMIRAL
Former NBA star Ming YAO
French battle site of '44 STLO
Frigid stretch ICEAGE
Gathering, as bees HIVING
GI's ditch TRENCH
Gives approval ASSENTS
Gives help AIDS
Goal AIM
Goal END
GPS options: Abbr RTES
Grating RASPY
Hanoi's home, briefly NAM
He defeated Romney OBAMA
Hershey candy bar SKOR
Hotsy- -- TOTSY
Hurdler Edwin MOSES
In a careless manner UNWARILY
In the style of ALA
Clues Answers
Instead (of) INLIEU
It enables a motorist to stop CARBRAKESYSTEM
It includes the sacrum SPINALCOLUMN
It takes vids CAM
JFK landing: Abbr ARR
K-P hookup LMNO
Kidman of Hollywood NICOLE
Kitchen cloth DISHRAG
Knight of TV TED
Lender's expectation REPAYMENT
Less lenient STERNER
Lie sheltered NESTLE
Like space debris INORBIT
Loo, briefly LAV
Mad Hatter's party pieces TEASET
Mennonite subgroup AMISH
Mile markers POSTS
Missed as a bull's-eye, UNHIT
NBAer -- Gasol PAU
Nellie of social reform BLY
Newly rich people UPSTARTS
Nine, in Nice NEUF
Nitpicky know-it-all PEDANT
Occasion to say 'King me' CHECKERSGAME
Ordinal suffix ETH
Paris' mother HECUBA
Participant in the sport Ultimate FRISBEETHROWER
Pasty luau food POI
PLO head Mahmoud ABBAS
Potpourris GRABBAGS
Prefix with dose or ton MEGA
Put- -- (deceptions) ONS
Quite a lot OFTEN
Reddish-brown pigment SIENNA
Rock's Brian ENO
Sauce giant RAGU
Sault -- Marie STE
See 17- or 49-Down FEE
Ship-deck diversion SHUFFLEBOARD
Shrubby expanses HEATHS
Simple top TSHIRT
Sluggish tree-dwellers SLOTHS
Small swig NIP
Smallish batteries AAS
Smell ODOR
Special span ERA
Spiro who served with Nixon AGNEW
Spy org CIA
Tanning lotion stat SPF
Tarzan's son BOY
Tending to wear away EROSIVE
Turn loose RELEASE
Useful thing ASSET
User's storage component COMPUTERDRIVE
Wild plum SLOE
Win over ENAMOR
Witches CRONES
With 65-Down charge to log on, USER
With 65-Down video store charge, RENTAL
Within: Prefix ENDO
Without, to Jean-Luc SANS
Wolf cries HOWLS
Women's patriotic gp DAR
Words to an attack dog SICEM
Wound from a mutt DOGBITE
Writer Binchy MAEVE
Yang go-with YIN
Yellow transport CAB
Your, once THY