New York Times - Jul 13 2005

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Clues Answers
'Hey, over here!' PSST
'Hey, over here!' LOOK
'Hey, over here!' LOOK
'Hey, over here!' PSST
'Huh?' WHAT
'Huh?' WHAT
'So be it' AMEN
'So be it' AMEN
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' girl EVA
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' girl EVA
A lot of, slangily MUCHO
A lot of, slangily MUCHO
Address starting http:// URL
Address starting http:// URL
Aftermath WAKE
Aftermath WAKE
Aid and ___ ABET
Aid and ___ ABET
Andean capital QUITO
Andean capital QUITO
Baby kangaroo's nickname for mom's pouch? HOPPOCKET
Baby kangaroo's nickname for mom's pouch? HOPPOCKET
Belly muscles ABS
Belly muscles ABS
Buckeye State OHIO
Buckeye State OHIO
Call from the nursery MAMA
Call from the nursery MAMA
City in a classic railroad name TOPEKA
City in a classic railroad name TOPEKA
Cogitate, with 'on' CHEW
Cogitate, with 'on' CHEW
Corset stiffener STAY
Corset stiffener STAY
Cosby/Culp TV series ISPY
Cosby/Culp TV series ISPY
Dadaist Jean ARP
Dadaist Jean ARP
Ditch LOSE
Ditch LOSE
Emerald City visitor TOTO
Emerald City visitor TOTO
Eyed food POTATO
Eyed food POTATO
Four for the road TIRES
Four for the road TIRES
Freeway exits TURNOFFS
Freeway exits TURNOFFS
Giving off light LUCENT
Giving off light LUCENT
Govt. disaster relief org. FEMA
Govt. disaster relief org. FEMA
Great big kiss SMACK
Great big kiss SMACK
Home of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center TEXAS
Home of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center TEXAS
How a high-pitched weasel goes? POPSQUEAK
How a high-pitched weasel goes? POPSQUEAK
In ___ (where found) SITU
In ___ (where found) SITU
Incubate HEAT
Incubate HEAT
India's first P.M. NEHRU
India's first P.M. NEHRU
Jumps on the ice TOELOOPS
Jumps on the ice TOELOOPS
Life jacket MAEWEST
Life jacket MAEWEST
Lois, to Hi WIFE
Lois, to Hi WIFE
Mountaineer's tool ICEAX
Mountaineer's tool ICEAX
Mowed path SWATH
Mowed path SWATH
Neighbor of Norw. SWE
Neighbor of Norw. SWE
Clues Answers
No longer carry Folgers or Maxwell House? DROPCOFFEEMAKER
No longer carry Folgers or Maxwell House? DROPCOFFEEMAKER
Not working KAPUT
Not working KAPUT
Old Italian money LIRA
Old Italian money LIRA
Old stories MYTHS
Old stories MYTHS
Op-ed piece ESSAY
Op-ed piece ESSAY
Opening for Vegas SLOT
Opening for Vegas SLOT
Outer limits EDGES
Outer limits EDGES
Overmodest COY
Overmodest COY
Plotter in a play IAGO
Plotter in a play IAGO
Prisoner's tally on a cell wall DAYS
Prisoner's tally on a cell wall DAYS
Provider of the first bone transplant? ADAM
Provider of the first bone transplant? ADAM
Rebuttal to 'No, you're not' YESIAM
Rebuttal to 'No, you're not' YESIAM
Result of hair-splitting? PART
Result of hair-splitting? PART
Safeguard SHIELD
Safeguard SHIELD
Seat of ancient Mayan civilization YUCATAN
Seat of ancient Mayan civilization YUCATAN
Shipping hazard BERG
Shipping hazard BERG
Similar (to) AKIN
Similar (to) AKIN
Simoleons CLAMS
Simoleons CLAMS
Skiers' paradise ALPS
Skiers' paradise ALPS
Something to haggle over SWAP
Something to haggle over SWAP
Soup base STOCK
Soup base STOCK
Squalid MANGY
Squalid MANGY
Sword handles HAFTS
Sword handles HAFTS
Time of one's life AGE
Time of one's life AGE
Tugboat sound TOOT
Tugboat sound TOOT
Turned blue, maybe DYED
Turned blue, maybe DYED
Underwater sandbank SHOAL
Underwater sandbank SHOAL
Uranus' domain SKY
Uranus' domain SKY
Varieties KINDS
Varieties KINDS
View in an angiogram AORTA
View in an angiogram AORTA
Wait on SERVE
Wait on SERVE
What a hypnotist may tell you to do OBEY
What a hypnotist may tell you to do OBEY
___ Aviv TEL
___ Aviv TEL
___ pro nobis ORA
___ pro nobis ORA
___-la-la OOH
___-la-la OOH