- Jun 25 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Monday Night Football'' channel ESPN
''That's clear'' ISEE
A step between floors STAIR
Accomplishes DOES
Agile SPRY
Bangkok resident THAI
Be bold DARE
Biblical garden EDEN
Bird homes NESTS
Blockhead CLOD
Briny body of water SEA
Butterfly catchers NETS
Coffeehouse order LATTE
Concentrated visually TRAINEDONESEYES
Consent (to) ACCEDE
Crusty desserts PIES
Darn, as a sock MEND
Did laps in the pool SWAM
Donkey ASS
Fact-based estimates EDUCATEDGUESSES
Finely furnished LUSH
Foot the bill TREAT
Hankerings YENS
Having two uses DUAL
Hole in a bathtub DRAIN
Identical SAME
It's ridden on a surfboard WAVE
Japan's locale ASIA
Letterhead illustration LOGO
Likely (to) PRONE
Luau garlands LEIS
Marsh bird EGRET
Merchant's markdowns SALES
Merits EARNS
Minor quarrel SPAT
Mom's sisters AUNTS
Most important MAIN
Narrow plank SLAT
Clues Answers
Natural balm ALOE
Oahu neighbor MAUI
Online auctioneer EBAY
Opera solo ARIA
Overtakes on the road PASSES
Parakeet's home CAGE
Parcel (out) DOLE
Pasta alternative RICE
Pasta topping SAUCE
Places for valuables SAFES
Poem of praise ODE
Portion of corn EAR
Prayer ender AMEN
Prefix meaning ''spaceflight'' ASTRO
Prod along EGGON
Prod along URGE
Propeller part BLADE
Punished with a purpose TAUGHTALESSONTO
Regrets RUES
Rental agreements LEASES
Rock with metal ORE
Salary increase RAISE
Sci-fi vehicles, for short UFOS
Ship off SEND
Short breaks PAUSES
Shows anger RAGES
Small-minded PETTY
Sound of a happy cat PURR
Stylish, as suits DRESSY
Swampy areas BOGS
Swiss mountain ALP
Tell with confidence ASSURE
Tire in the trunk SPARE
Up to the task ABLE
Up, on a map NORTH
Well ventilated AIRY
Word on a maze START
__ so (nevertheless) EVEN