Universal - Jun 19 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Halt!" on the seas AVAST
"Heart and Soul" one-hit wonder TPAU
"The Faerie Queene" character IRENA
"The Shining" graffiti REDRUM
"You there!" HEY
"___ cost you!" ITLL
Abbr. accompanying a college name ESTD
Actor Baldwin ALEC
Actor with no lines MIME
Acts the stoolie TELLS
After this, buy a new calendar YEAR
Alaska, once (Abbr.) TERR
Annual baseball break ALLSTAR
Army units (abbr.) RGTS
Barely cooked RARE
Big earthenware jar OLLA
Big name in faucets MOEN
Boom sites MASTS
Burgundy or Bordeaux WINE
Certain fairy's procurement TOOTH
Chutney fruit MANGO
City in Iowa AMES
Cleveland's lake ERIE
Compass doodle ARC
Confiscates TAKES
Cordial introduction? CREME
Cornelius or Dr. Zaius, e.g APE
Deal breakers? NARCS
Depart LEAVE
Desktop item ICON
Difficult shoes to walk in HEELS
Do as told OBEY
Egg, biologically OVUM
Eyelid swellings STYES
Farm pen STY
Feature of Saturn RING
Fencer's blade EPEE
Field rodent VOLE
Clues Answers
Fight verbally SPAR
Follow an event ENSUE
Fruity drinks ADES
Grinding tooth MOLAR
Have some catching up to do TRAIL
Hold another hearing for RETRY
In ___ (peeved) ASNIT
It rolls with your goodies SHOPPINGCART
Kind of wrestling SUMO
Lead-in for "Bravo" RIO
Lively shopping outing SPREE
Medicinal herb of the pea family SENNA
More than fervent RABID
Native of the Leaning Tower city PISAN
Old Jimmy Dorsey hit "Maria ___" ELENA
Once-___ (quick appraisals) OVERS
One who may marry MINISTER
Opposite of flushed PALE
Pasture LEA
Peke cousin? POM
Place for hams DELICOUNTER
Poetic, V-less contraction EEN
Practice public speaking ORATE
Puget Sound seaport TACOMA
Slippers for the stubborn? MULES
Small platforms PODIA
Some votes YEAS
Stats in hockey and basketball ASSISTS
The Untouchables' leader NESS
Those opposed ANTIS
Transaction option CASH
Turn aside, as a gaze AVERT
Volvo factory worker, most likely SWEDE
Wedge in again REINSERT
Weekly shopping site, for many SUPERMARKET
Where to find fresh milk DAIRYSECTION
Year-end stocking stuffer SANTA