New York Times - Jun 16 2013

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Clues Answers
'Climb onto Papa's lap!' HOPUP
'Doctor ___' WHO
'If only you could ___ now' SEEME
'Les Trois Villes' novelist ZOLA
'N.B.A. on ___' TNT
'Pursuit of the Graf ___' (1956 war film) SPEE
'___ boy!' HOO
*Auto shop inventory PARTS
*Chart-topper SMASH
*End of ___ ANERA
*Late office opening, say TENAM
*Move, as a plant REPOT
*Sandy spots, maybe TRAPS
1960s TV boy OPIE
A lot of the Beatles' 'She Loves You' YEAHS
Assess, with 'up' SIZE
Be moribund, say AIL
Beau's girl AMIE
Biblical son begat by a 105-year-old father ENOS
Big around the middle ROTUND
Black ___ MAMBA
British fop TOFF
Brooklyn athlete NET
Captain ___ NEMO
Cause for plastic surgery, maybe SAG
Certain drive-thru convenience ATM
Channel starting in 2003 SPIKETV
Cheap booze ROTGUT
Cliché, often ADAGE
Climbed ROSE
Company whose logo has a diagonal red arrow SUNOCO
Complete loser ZERO
Constellation next to Gemini TAURUS
Ding, say MAR
Dollar rival ALAMO
Dr.'s order MRI
Drink that's stirred NOG
End of the trivia question MANYASAPIGWHATARETHEY
Espionage agcy. with a leader played by Tom Cruise IMF
Exorbitant HIGH
Explorer or Escape, in brief SUV
Eye liner? BROW
Features of some cowboy shirts FRINGES
Flimsy, as an excuse THIN
France's Académie ___ Beaux-Arts DES
French lord SIEUR
Game stopper RAIN
Garden PLOT
Gave out WENT
Gemstone for most Libras OPAL
General on Chinese menus TSO
Grp. involved in back-to-school night PTA
Guttural THROATY
Horror director Eli ROTH
India's ___ Coast MALABAR
Info for airport greeters ETAS
Insincere earnestness SMARM
It's said when a light bulb goes on AHA
Italian for 95-Down ORA
J.F.K.'s historic ___ Flight Center TWA
Clues Answers
Jean-___ Picard of 'Star Trek: T.N.G.' LUC
Joint czar with Peter I IVANV
Journalist/writer Herbert AGAR
June honoree DAD
Kama ___ SUTRA
Kelly of 'The West Wing' MOIRA
Lap dog breed PUG
Latin phrase at the end of a list ETALII
Level RAZE
Like the earth and some apples CORED
Literary olios ANAS
Lord's worker SERF
Maine-to-Florida rte USONE
Major-leaguer with three 60+ home run seasons SOSA
Maritime letters HMS
Mercury and Saturn GODS
Motion carriers AYES
Nashville-based variety show, 1969-92 HEEHAW
Novelist Puzo MARIO
Official in a mask UMP
Ogling type LECHER
Old satellite-launching rocket THOR
One taking applications HIRER
Part of a day HOUR
Partition into multiple bits CARVEUP
Patriots' org NFL
PC game sensation of the early 2000s, with 'The' SIMS
Poet banished in A.D. 8 OVID
Polynesian entertainments HULAS
Present need? GIFTTAG
Protected goose NENE
Protein-rich soup MISO
Razzers GIBERS
Rhyming honor ODE
Rocky Mountain tribe ARAPAHO
Romeo and Juliet, e.g ELOPERS
Ryan of 'The Beverly Hillbillies' IRENE
Shul fixture ARK
Shul reading TORAH
Sleeping sickness carrier TSETSE
Some deli buys RYES
Sort of QUASI
Start of a trivia question IFAGIRAFFEHASFOURTEEN
Stitch RIOT
Symbol of remoteness SIBERIA
Tammany Hall problem GRAFT
Tennis great Tommy HAAS
Texas oil city ODESSA
They're tapped KEGS
Three-part TRINARY
Three-point line, e.g ARC
Trivia question, part 2 MORETHANAWALRUSAND
Trivia question, part 3 ASQUIRRELHASHALFAS
Type type ROMAN
Vocal fanfare TADA
Wallops KOS
Wallops THUMPS
With lots of room to spare BYAMILE
Wrinkle remover BOTOX
___ 51 (conspiracy theory subject) AREA
___ cable (TV hookup) AUX
___ kwon do TAE
___-Babylonian (ancient Semitic language) ASSYRO