Universal - Jul 6 2005

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Clues Answers
"A Severed Head" author Murdoch IRIS
"American Graffiti" extra CARHOP
"At the Center of the Storm" author George TENET
"Buenos ___!" DIAS
"Cops" sounds SIRENS
"Deal me in" indicator ANTE
"For" words YESES
"It must have been something I ___!" ATE
"Location, location, location" business REALTY
"O death, where is ___ sting?" (1 Cor. 15:55) THY
"Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and ___" THYME
"That's enough!" ALLRIGHTALREADY
"That's the ticket!" NOWYOURETALKING
"Yippee!" WAHOO
"You lucky ___!" DOG
''Blame It on ___'' RIO
''Blame It on ___'' RIO
'49 alliance NATO
1953 Pulitzer winner for Drama INGE
1953 Pulitzer winner for Drama INGE
1993 Oscar winner Thompson EMMA
1993 Oscar winner Thompson EMMA
A disagreeable responsibility ONUS
A writer's body of work CANON
Act of Contrition reciter ATONER
Agree, in a way MAKETERMS
Agree, in a way SIGNAPACT
Agree, in a way HAMMEROUTADEAL
Agree, in a way STRIKEABARGAIN
Agree, in a way HAMMEROUTADEAL
Agree, in a way STRIKEABARGAIN
Agree, in a way MAKETERMS
Agree, in a way SIGNAPACT
Agricultural implement RAKE
Airport hazard SMOG
Airport hazard SMOG
Areas often decorated with stained glass APSES
Aristotle's walkway STOA
Arnold's better half MARIA
Baby's knitted shoe BOOTEE
Balloon filler HOTAIR
Baltimore and ___ Railroad OHIO
Be laid up AIL
Beatles album HELP
Beatles album HELP
Befitting APT
Belt hole makers AWLS
Bethlehem trio MAGI
Bethlehem trio MAGI
Birling surface LOG
Birling surface LOG
Blackthorn fruit SLOE
Bottomless gulf ABYSS
Burial place for Enceladus ETNA
Burial place for Enceladus ETNA
Cabbagelike plant in the mustard family KALE
Cascades lake TARN
Cascades lake TARN
Casts more ballots than OUTVOTES
Certain digits TOES
Change decor REDO
Circle of light AURA
Circle of light AURA
Close-mouthed one CLAM
Close-mouthed one CLAM
Colorful fish OPAH
Computer adjunct PRINTER
Computer adjunct PRINTER
Corner letter? ELL
Corner letter? ELL
Crescent-shaped LUNATE
Curve-shaped ARCED
Diametrically opposed POLAR
Diametrically opposed POLAR
Disembogue EMIT
Disembogue EMIT
Distinctive and stylish elegance ELAN
Distinctive and stylish elegance ELAN
Down by the pond? EIDER
Drops out of contention FADES
Drops out of contention FADES
Elephant baby CALF
Elephant baby CALF
Fir tree BALSAM
Fir tree BALSAM
First black congresswoman Shirley CHISHOLM
First name among ironmen CAL
First name among ironmen CAL
Forget to put in OMIT
Forward SENDON
From another planet ALIEN
From another planet ALIEN
Golf score PAR
Good earth LOAM
Good earth LOAM
Goteborg resident SWEDE
Goteborg resident SWEDE
Happening EVENT
Happening EVENT
Hawaiian isle LANAI
Hawaiian isle LANAI
Hector Hugh Munro SAKI
Hector Hugh Munro SAKI
Hit the runway softly ALIT
Hit the runway softly ALIT
Holly Golightly creator CAPOTE
Holly Golightly creator CAPOTE
It may be smoked EEL
It may be smoked EEL
Just gets by (with ''out'') EKES
Just gets by (with ''out'') EKES
King of a Elgar cantata OLAF
Kings Peak range UINTA
Kings Peak range UINTA
Clues Answers
Large tub VAT
Large tub VAT
Left-hand glove, to the right MATE
Like an old bucket of song OAKEN
Like an old bucket of song OAKEN
Like Cary Grant DEBONAIR
Low, swampy marsh FEN
Low, swampy marsh FEN
Lumber mill action SAWING
Made angry IRED
Made angry IRED
Moon of Uranus ARIEL
Moon of Uranus ARIEL
Musky cat CIVET
Musky cat CIVET
Natalie Wood's sister LANA
Natalie Wood's sister LANA
Notable exploit GEST
Notable exploit GEST
Obote's successor AMIN
Obote's successor AMIN
Old greeting AVE
Old greeting AVE
One dyne per centimeter measure ERG
Pendulum paths ARCS
Pendulum paths ARCS
Peninsula in northeastern Egypt SINAI
Peninsula in northeastern Egypt SINAI
Peruvian capital LIMA
Peruvian capital LIMA
Pouchlike structure SAC
Pouchlike structure SAC
Rap sheet name, perhaps ALIAS
Rap sheet name, perhaps ALIAS
Rat or beaver, e.g. RODENT
Rat or beaver, e.g. RODENT
Really long time EON
Region AREA
Region AREA
Related to the soft palate VELAR
Resort lake TAHOE
Resort lake TAHOE
Restaurant bill CHIT
Restaurant bill CHIT
Riga denizen LETT
Riga denizen LETT
Roman poet OVID
Roman poet OVID
Rowdydows TODOS
Share holder? LION
Share holder? LION
Skiers' cover-alls? AVALANCHES
Skiers' cover-alls? AVALANCHES
Small and sprightly ELFIN
Small and sprightly ELFIN
So-so score for the course PAR
So-so score for the course PAR
Some greasy substances FATS
Some greasy substances FATS
Sort of bliss or strife MARITAL
Stage whisper ASIDE
Stage whisper ASIDE
Steep in brine SOUSE
Steep in brine SOUSE
Stingless bee DRONE
Stopwatch button RESET
Stopwatch button RESET
Strong dislike ANIMUS
Suffix that maximizes EST
Sunburn soother ALOE
Sunburn soother ALOE
Susan of "LA. Law" DEY
Tandoor, for one OVEN
Tandoor, for one OVEN
Tapped container KEG
Temporary cessation of breathing APNEA
Theater box LOGE
Theater box LOGE
Tooth type MOLAR
Top-notch AONE
Top-notch AONE
TV marine Gomer PYLE
Unit of flux TESLA
Unit of flux TESLA
Vehicle for the course CART
Vehicle for the course CART
Verb ending? OSE
Vintner's device PRESS
Waikiki wingding LUAU
Waikiki wingding LUAU
Was ill with HAD
Wear well LAST
Where a doc pays dues AMA
Where Mexican Hat is UTAH
Where the chips are down? CASINO
Where the chips are down? CASINO
White coat wearer's workplace LAB
Whitecap WAVE
Whitecap WAVE
Word accompanying a wave BYE
Word in an ultimatum ELSE
Word with ship or soul MATE
Word with ship or soul MATE
Words with "pie" or "1-2-3" EASYAS
Words with mode or francaise ALA
Words with mode or francaise ALA
Yon lady HER
Yon lady HER
You can catch them at the beach RAYS
___ serif (type style) SANS
___ the worse for wear NONE
___ time (individually) ONEATA