USA Today - Jul 6 2005

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Clues Answers
''Jaws'' boat ORCA
''Jaws'' boat ORCA
''The Four Seasons'' director ALDA
''The Four Seasons'' director ALDA
''To Autumn,'' e.g. ODE
''To Autumn,'' e.g. ODE
''___ to Be You'' ITHAD
''___ to Be You'' ITHAD
'Twas in the present? TIS
'Twas in the present? TIS
Actor Omar EPPS
Actor Omar EPPS
Arlene and Roald DAHLS
Arlene and Roald DAHLS
Bagnold and Blyton ENIDS
Bagnold and Blyton ENIDS
Castle ROOK
Castle ROOK
Champ's prize TITLE
Champ's prize TITLE
Cheer with beer SKOAL
Cheer with beer SKOAL
Chef's utensil RICER
Chef's utensil RICER
Chop (off) LOP
Chop (off) LOP
Cookie type or ingredient CHOCOLATECHUNK
Cookie type or ingredient CHOCOLATECHUNK
Criminal or civil study, in law PROCEDURE
Criminal or civil study, in law PROCEDURE
Critic Pauline KAEL
Critic Pauline KAEL
Depose OUST
Depose OUST
Destabilized SHOOK
Destabilized SHOOK
Diplomatic HQ EMB
Diplomatic HQ EMB
Doll type VOODOO
Doll type VOODOO
Dusting target CROP
Dusting target CROP
Earring style HOOP
Earring style HOOP
Entree with spears and a cutlet VEALOSCAR
Entree with spears and a cutlet VEALOSCAR
Expected DUE
Expected DUE
Fleischer and Onassis ARIS
Fleischer and Onassis ARIS
Game that includes jumping CHINESECHECKERS
Game that includes jumping CHINESECHECKERS
Gives the nod OKS
Gives the nod OKS
Golden rule preposition UNTO
Golden rule preposition UNTO
Hair piece? FOLLICLE
Hair piece? FOLLICLE
Hard to believe TALL
Hard to believe TALL
Humdinger LULU
Humdinger LULU
Illumined by tapers CANDLELIT
Illumined by tapers CANDLELIT
Iraqi port BASRA
Iraqi port BASRA
It may generate interest LOAN
It may generate interest LOAN
Items on an ed.'s desk, perhaps MSS
Items on an ed.'s desk, perhaps MSS
Japanese emperor MIKADO
Japanese emperor MIKADO
Jazz singer Carmen MCRAE
Jazz singer Carmen MCRAE
Clues Answers
Judges' seat BANC
Judges' seat BANC
Ken or Lena of filmdom OLIN
Ken or Lena of filmdom OLIN
Langston Hughes title start ITOO
Langston Hughes title start ITOO
Large raise, at times BLUFF
Large raise, at times BLUFF
Like cotton candy SPUN
Like cotton candy SPUN
Like Fran Drescher's voice NASAL
Like Fran Drescher's voice NASAL
Liner stops, sometimes ISLES
Liner stops, sometimes ISLES
Loaded RICH
Loaded RICH
Mail palabra AEREO
Mail palabra AEREO
Medieval brass CLARION
Medieval brass CLARION
Monkfish LOTTE
Monkfish LOTTE
Nickname in the family SIS
Nickname in the family SIS
Obi-Wan portrayer ALEC
Obi-Wan portrayer ALEC
Others, to Octavia ALII
Others, to Octavia ALII
Outdoor accommodation TENT
Outdoor accommodation TENT
Popular pain reliever ALEVE
Popular pain reliever ALEVE
Posture-perfect ERECT
Posture-perfect ERECT
Rachel's sister LEAH
Rachel's sister LEAH
Relative of ante- PRE
Relative of ante- PRE
Silents star Naldi NITA
Silents star Naldi NITA
Site of two of the Ancient Wonders IONIA
Site of two of the Ancient Wonders IONIA
Society affair TEA
Society affair TEA
Starry bear URSA
Starry bear URSA
Stuff in a sequence DNA
Stuff in a sequence DNA
Town in Abruzzi ATRI
Town in Abruzzi ATRI
Type type ELITE
Type type ELITE
Wallops SOCKS
Wallops SOCKS
Way back when ONCE
Way back when ONCE
Welcoming WARM
Welcoming WARM
Went to too many extremes OVERDID
Went to too many extremes OVERDID
Will riders CODICILS
Will riders CODICILS
William of ___ (English philosopher) OCCAM
William of ___ (English philosopher) OCCAM
Wind down WANE
Wind down WANE
Won't face FEARS
Won't face FEARS
Woodwind accessory NECKSTRAP
Woodwind accessory NECKSTRAP
___-cone SNO
___-cone SNO