Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jun 3 2013

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Clues Answers
At end of month, European Commission admits this country is plucky HEROIC
Clumsy marital do disorganised MALADROIT
Every alternative used to describe how people communicate in partnership EACHOTHER
Fixed up with sales woman going to first class with revolutionary REPAIRED
Fresh dill contains unknown quantity in God's country IDYLL
Genuinely kind person describes inside of Fort Knox perhaps AHEARTOFGOLD
Highlight borstal boy is out of bed PLAYUP
I am passing myself off as being awesome IMPOSING
Is studied in16 down in final game for Ireland? DEATHCAP
It's raw coming back skipping with cowboys and Indians given the opportunity to shoot blanks WARGAMES
I¿m going back to Longford hiding storyteller with the millions MILLIARD
Let in inexperienced driver for peace LEASE
Live with director harmoniously DWELL
Looking back, place in Dublin discovers Irish love diamond pattern ARGYLE
Clues Answers
Man on the beach with Barbie and Ken produced Hollywood musical GUYSANDDOLLS
Minor prophet in African country provides turnover in Mumbai for one SAMOSA
My! Admits knack to reading Thomas More MARTYR
Out on a limb without boot in old school ALUMNI
Outburst of applause for number of shots from Arsenal SALVO
Overjoyed, ¿10 gets you and me something blooming close to Iris GLADIOLUS
Search dump for small cave leading to negative deviation SCAVENGE
Sounds like poll in Rush GALLOP
Sounds like that first person is brilliant before tube in radio receiver MAGICEYE
The study of Fungi the dolphin? Must have something to do with it MYCOLOGY
The writer returns with English leader for Italian old tales THEDECAMERON
Theologian in auction gets backing for horse SADDLE
Windy city design in school built up around Lake Michigan CHICAGOSTYLE
Working out perhaps its purpose is to go around the bend ATHLETICS