Irish Times (Crosaire) - May 28 2013

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Clues Answers
Carries The Hoops emblem perhaps on its merchandise ¿ no wonder a lot of people carry a torch for them OLYMPICS
Darling brushes up what Queen saw in The Maze perhaps HONEYCOMBS
Dog's tail with precious metal and diamonds is purely for old show GAUD
Eastern slum comes up, for your information, strangely with way to make vinaigrette EMULSIFY
Figurehead isn't as young as he once was in computer store FOLDER
First lady and Ronald admit Fourth of July is key for the public EVERYONE
Forming part of what one could have for breakfast reportedly SERIAL
French and the Spanish sheltering paramilitary organisation with emphasis on Middle Ages FEUDAL
Frequency of mean gesture MEDIUMWAVE
Gives a really good account of being down in B&B at end of July near Rush BLOWBYBLOW
Go to youth leader in large development for water ¿ that'll put the frighteners on you GARGOYLE
Group of people in Eastern Europe to get icon designed by Poles and Russians in a manner of speaking SLAVONIC
It's premature to say it's not good time for director ILLTIMED
James the first met one in France called after Jupiter's wife JUNE
Clues Answers
John Thomas admits one to fifty leave better half JILT
Looks for old types of accommodation DIGS
Matinees to broadcast from small house in France perhaps MAISONETTE
Maul disturbed by Ulster with old boys ALUMNI
Organises Arsenal for the love of it in Lyon, admitting Rosicky initially is in hospital ARMOURER
Rogues leave tree surgeon to get in ENTER
Row in theatre as doctor asks for one at closing time perhaps SUTURE
Sick of you and I following foreign article line by line UNWELL
Sounds like a pirate's toast to neighbour's Queen perhaps is symbolic for Republicans ARUMLILY
Sounds like I'm challenging you to a run? That would be some blooming arrangement! RACEME
Sounds like the old one left on shelf is created MADE
That one from estate to bring editor back down to earth LANDED
Time constraints on race circuit doesn't favour the cuckoo AGAINSTTHECLOCK
With right addition would go around at carnival one fateful day in Rome IDES