Irish Times (Crosaire) - May 27 2013

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Clues Answers
Advise against ad issued in chaos DISSUADE
Am not in ship with Peter and Paul SAINTS
Be at each other's throats? That would be the junior partner in Government BELABOUR
Biblical figure in Switzerland cleans up CLOTH
Canoeist leaves coastal region in a slow dignified tempo LARGO
Clive returning without trainee on Thursday to throw someone out on their ear EVICT
Describes hot weather in parts of Ulster except Enniskillen initially at end of July SULTRY
Family, for last course, produced part of the breakfast BLOODPUDDING
Fantasy creature says hello to trainee with dye for litmus test ORCHIL
Frank is always charged down south, for example DIRECTION
Genuine Mass in field REALM
Going soon but not yet to final parts of competition LASTLEGS
Great footballer rings guest house in Little Rock PEBBLE
It's how one organises search for cottage to let perhaps HOUSETOHOUSE
Clues Answers
It¿s complicated as I¿m with brother to get good oil back IMBROGLIO
Made one's way behind square with youth leader to score TWENTY
Motoring tyre buckled by angle tool in school TRIGONOMETRY
North account at home for complex vitamin NIACIN
Not much weight behind judgement initially ¿ this could be bumpy JOUNCE
Offers support at home for labourer to track HANDRAIL
Pastor finds small chart with staple in canteen (8'1,3) SHEPHERDS'PIE
Power to choose gangster is not required OPTIONAL
Short lived source of help around a mere bend EPHEMERAL
Sounds like a right shower with honey in conversation with dancer? REINDEER
Sounds like transferred one revolutionary with mixed collection PASTICHE
Squash perhaps makes you go faster STEPONIT
What made you do that? Sheriff's men aboard with writer POSSESSED
You and I ring Henry with right boat WHALER