- May 14 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Furthermore . . .'' AND
''I cannot tell __'' ALIE
''Relax, soldier!'' ATEASE
''Sorry to intrude . . .'' AHEM
''That's not news to me'' IKNOW
24-hr. money source ATM
Aides: Abbr ASSTS
Angry, with ''off'' TEED
Assn ORG
Beam of light RAY
Billiards stick CUE
British luxury car, for short JAG
Canon copier competitor XEROX
CIA employee AGT
Coffee dispensers URNS
Complete collections SETS
Completed DONE
Confuse MIXUP
Cook in oil FRY
Cookware coating TEFLON
Corn serving EAR
Crockpot meals STEWS
Crosses (out) XES
Cutlet meat VEAL
Dryer trap contents LINT
Egg on URGE
Embrace HUG
Empty spaces GAPS
Environmental prefix ECO
Face card in poker JACKOFHEARTS
Face card in poker KINGOFSPADES
Face card in poker QUEENOFDIAMONDS
Fellows MEN
Flat-topped hill MESA
Game show VIPs MCS
Gets up ARISES
Gifts from a genie WISHES
Grain in granola OAT
Honking birds GEESE
Clues Answers
Hope-chest wood CEDAR
Inquire ASK
Lake boat CANOE
Leatherworking tools AWLS
Like a beach SANDY
Line of bushes HEDGE
Long for DESIRE
Major mess SNAFU
Mermaid's home OCEAN
Natural satellites MOONS
New Haven student ELI
Nocturnal fliers OWLS
Observes SEES
Open space on campus QUAD
Payroll IDs SSNS
Piece of land PLOT
Present a second time REINTRODUCE
Relax, as rules LOOSEN
River through Egypt NILE
Royal palace CASTLE
Shelter from the sun SHADE
Shoebox letters EEE
Shot put and javelin TRACKEVENTS
So far ASYET
Sports venue ARENA
Test grade MARK
Tips off ALERTS
Tire type RADIAL
TV room DEN
Unrefined metal ORE
Weight-loss plan DIET
Went for a dip SWAM
West Coast state OREGON
Wipe clean ERASE
Without a warranty ASIS
__ Baba ALI
__ de Cologne EAU
__ of a kind (unique) ONE
__-la-la TRA