Canadiana - May 20 2013

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Clues Answers
1949 and 2004, abbr YRS
Action oriented acronym ASAP
All, individually EACH
Assistant AIDE
Author of today's quote OSLER
Buffalo ANOA
Camp bed COT
Canadian rlwy CNR
Canvas cover, so to speak TARP
Cartoon character POGO
Cask KEG
Cave dweller BAT
Centre CRUX
Collection ANA
Curved ARCED
Department of ____ Def NATL
Despot TSAR
Dog houses KENNELS
Donates GIVES
Email trash SPAM
Embrace HOLD
Exporter of 37 Across JAMAICA
Fish eggs ROE
Gelation agent AGAR
German river ODER
Gorilla APE
Hairs PILI
Handsome, in Hauterive BEAU
Is without LACK
Itemize LIST
Lay magistrates, slangily JPS
Clues Answers
Layer PLY
Levy TAX
Lubricate again REOIL
Martini makings GIN
Microbes AMOEBAE
Monte Carlo or Bordeaux SPA
Nervous ANTSY
Nothing, in Norilske NADA
Part 2 of today's quote SOUGHTTO
Part 3 of today's quote CONFIRMA
Part 4 of today's quote POSITION
Part 5 of today's quote ALREADY
Part 6 of today's quote TAKEN
Pasta noodle PENNE
Penitent RUER
Petals ALA
Prefix denoting fivefold PENTA
Receptor EAR
Regarding INRE
Request ASK
Rug genre SHAG
Scottish river DEE
Smallest prov PEI
Sp. monetary units PTAS
Start of today's quote ADVICEIS
Tar's grog RUM
Temper IRE
Terror FEAR
Viet ____ NAM
Zenith ACME
_____ Aid KOOL