New York Times - May 13 2013

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Clues Answers
'Puttin' on the ___' RITZ
'Rag Mop' hitmakers, 1950 AMESBROTHERS
'Thank you very ___' MUCH
'The Andy Griffith Show' boy OPIE
'The Time Machine' people ELOI
'You ___ what you eat' ARE
1986 Tom Cruise/Val Kilmer action film TOPGUN
Actress Thurman UMA
Basso Pinza EZIO
Become more intense DEEPEN
Bone: Prefix OSTE
Book after Jonah MICAH
Camaro ___-Z IROC
Chew like a beaver GNAW
Chicago Cubs spring training site MESAARIZONA
Chicago mayor Emanuel RAHM
Chinese or Japanese ASIAN
Circumference AMBIT
Clothes presser IRON
Concert blasters AMPS
Conductance units MHOS
E.P.A.-proscribed compound, for short PCB
Equivalent of five houses in Monopoly HOTEL
Et ___ (and others) ALIA
Exile isle for Napoleon ELBA
Flat-bottomed boat SCOW
Fruit with a pit PEACH
Furious ANGRY
Fury IRE
Hermann who wrote 'Steppenwolf' HESSE
Hosp. areas for accident victims ERS
Intestinal prefix ENTERO
Italian wine area ASTI
Jane who wrote 'Pride and Prejudice' AUSTEN
Judge's garment ROBE
Kemo Sabe's sidekick TONTO
Clues Answers
Last ones in the pool, say ROTTENEGGS
Lawbreaker, in police lingo PERP
Library ID ISBN
Like animals in a 42-Across CAGED
Lion's sound ROAR
Lofty HIGH
Luau instrument, informally UKE
Machine at a construction site CRANE
McCain : 2008 :: ___ : 2012 ROMNEY
Menagerie ZOO
Metal-joining technique SEAMWELDING
Mind reader's ability, briefly ESP
Mrs. Charlie Chaplin OONA
Nabisco cookies OREOS
New Jersey's capital TRENTON
Panhandles BEGS
Pattern for many 1960s T-shirts TIEDYE
Philosopher John who posited a theory of social contract LOCKE
Plant with fronds FERN
Prefix with task MULTI
QB Steve who won a Payton Award MCNAIR
Seriously overweight OBESE
Small apartments STUDIOS
Small Indian drum TABLA
Smallish equine PONY
Something you might get your hand slapped for doing NONO
Unabridged dictionary, e.g TOME
Unmannered sort BOOR
Western mil. alliance NATO
Where a baby develops WOMB
Where the Knicks play in N.Y.C MSG
White from fright, say ASHEN
You've heard it many times before SAMEOLDSTORY
Zenith APEX
___ de Cologne EAU
___ decongestant NASAL
___, Straus and Giroux (book publisher) FARRAR