New York Times - Apr 23 2013

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Clues Answers
'Aladdin' prince ALI
'Am ___ risk?' IAT
'Dig in!' EAT
'When out on the lawn there ___ such a clatter ...' AROSE
Actors Bateman and Statham JASONS
Actress Campbell NEVE
Addict USER
Antonio who composed 'The Four Seasons' VIVALDI
Assured something's completion SAWTOIT
Bill who co-owns the Four Seasons hotel company GATES
Bone: Prefix OSSE
Brynner of Broadway YUL
Butterfly catcher NET
Call ___ day ITA
City south of Kyiv ODESA
Co. with brown trucks UPS
Croupier's tool RAKE
Cut, as logs SAWN
Dweller along the Mekong LAO
Egyptian snake ASP
Father of Thor ODIN
Feminine suffix ENNE
Frankie of the Four Seasons VALLI
Freshly ANEW
Friend of Jerry and George on TV ELAINE
Genetic material RNA
High school's crowning event? PROM
Home of many early civilizations MIDEAST
Insignificant, in a way ONEHORSE
It might have many suckers TENTACLE
It's seen on a sundial SHADOW
Jesus, for one JEW
Keynote speaker, e.g ORATOR
Language of Pakistan URDU
Laugh, in Lille RIRE
Like some cats in need of rescue UPATREE
Long-running PBS science series NOVA
Longtime Cardinals manager Tony LARUSSA
Los Angeles's ___ Museum GETTY
Clues Answers
Many a benevolent organization GRANTOR
Marsh BOG
Midori on the ice ITO
Nicolas who painted 'The Four Seasons' POUSSIN
Not so smart DENSER
One of the Four Seasons WINTER
One of the Four Seasons SPRING
One of the Four Seasons SUMMER
One of the Four Seasons AUTUMN
One of the four seasons, in France ETE
Ore suffix ITE
Overhang EAVE
Possible result of a hung jury RETRIAL
Prefix with proliferation NON
Prospector's strike LODE
Provides with a quality ENDUES
Put on the air TELECAST
S, in a phonetic alphabet SIERRA
Sad, in Paris TRISTE
Sailor's yes AYE
Saintly glow AURA
Santa ___ winds ANA
Say grace, e.g PRAY
Some call it 'pop' SODA
Something you might trip on LSD
Stimpy's TV pal REN
Suffix with ball OON
Tendency to remain unchanged INERTIA
Territory divided into two states DAKOTA
The Spartans of the N.C.A.A MSU
Two-channel STEREO
Vases URNS
Wing: Prefix PTERO
Work unit ERG
Yale who endowed Yale ELIHU
___ dame NOTRE
___ ipsa loquitur RES
___ of one's existence BANE
___ Simeon, Calif SAN