- Apr 14 2013

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Clues Answers
''Diciembre'' follower ENERO
''Don't count on me'' IMNOT
''Entertainment Tonight'' film critic MALTIN
''Got it'' ISEE
''I'll be __ of a gun!'' ASON
''Rush Hour'' star CHAN
''__ Diary'' (Twain short story) EVES
82 Across stand-in VEEP
Accommodates, as an arena SEATS
Accomplishment FEAT
Accomplishment DEED
Andes land PERU
Aquarium buildup ALGAE
Arguing loudly ATIT
Autobahn auto BMW
Battlefield healer MEDIC
Beau of films GESTE
Big boss PREXY
Bradstreet partner DUN
Brings into harmony ATTUNES
British diarist PEPYS
Camry competitor ALTIMA
Capital-city map mark STAR
Careful combing SEARCH
Cavern dweller BAT
Certain shuttle van HOTELVEHICLE
Circus sites TENTS
Classified listings ESTATESALES
Cognizant AWARE
Comedian Boosler ELAYNE
Compute, perhaps ADDUP
Compute, perhaps COUNT
Contest for two DUEL
Continents, e.g SEPTET
Convent attire HABIT
Cool it STOP
Cools it CEASES
Corporate money exec CFO
Cow's hurdle, in rhyme MOON
Crew in blue COPS
Danes of ''Homeland'' CLAIRE
Dashboard readings RPMS
Developed into BECAME
Donnybrooks MELEES
Dressing with buttermilk RANCH
Dwarf planet PLUTO
Edmonton clock setting: Abbr MST
Elsewhere AWAY
Family rooms DENS
Female rabbit DOE
Fernando's farewell ADIOS
Fine wood EBONY
Fishing gear ROD
Flinch, perhaps REACT
Furtive summons PSST
Fury IRE
Galway's land ERIN
Give forth EMIT
Gladiatorial weapon TRIDENT
Goods cast overboard JETSAM
Group sharing a crest CLAN
Grove member TREE
Gymnast Korbut OLGA
Hardwoods ELMS
Has a hankering YEARNS
Henri's honey AMIE
Herbal balm ALOE
High-flying group JETSET
Highly skilled ADEPT
Hip about ONTO
Hold the throne RULE
Ingested ATE
Clues Answers
Intrinsically PERSE
Invigorate PEPUP
Irreligious PROFANE
It's raised for toasting GLASS
John Irving hero GARP
Keep entertained AMUSE
Kyushu cash YEN
Large monkey BABOON
LBJ son-in-law ROBB
Like cognac AGED
Little rascal IMP
Lord's Prayer pronoun THY
Low-pH compound ACID
Mansion feature, perhaps HIDDENROOM
Mason-Dixon line, e.g STATEBORDER
Miss America wear SASH
Morally low BASE
Moreover TOO
Needing a bit of body work DENTED
News piece ITEM
Nobel Institute city OSLO
Of another sort ELSE
Office list heading TODO
On pins and needles ANTSY
Paint variety LATEX
PC data disk CDROM
Peppery HOT
Playground's __ stick POGO
Poker table material FELT
Practice for a bout SPAR
Prefix meaning ''trillion'' TERA
Pursuit HUNT
Remove any doubt about ENSURE
Remove completely ROOTUP
Resided LIVED
Roping event RODEO
San Luis __, CA OBISPO
Sends a mobile message TEXTS
Sentry's order HALT
Severity RIGOR
Sharply defined CLEAR
Shoebox letters EEE
Sign, as an agreement ENTERINTO
Smartphone ancestors: Abbr PDAS
Smartphone buys APPS
Snort snooze NAP
Something to cast ROLE
Source of a fairy-tale fortune GOOSE
Standard of value PAR
Stat. for a 42 Down ATWT
Stay in without raising CALL
Takes forcibly WRESTS
Takes the edge off DULLS
Thing in a trunk GASCAN
Titleholder CHAMP
Took the helm of PILOTED
Trailing LOSING
Tugboat signal TOOT
Unaligned, as in WWII NEUT
Unmannerly RUDE
Unteachable one, it's said OLDDOG
Upscale London rental LUXURYFLAT
Urban parks, e.g CITYPROPERTY
VIPs' wheels LIMOS
Vowel mark BREVE
Vowel mark MACRON
What sales reps may be reimbursed for AUTOMOBILEUSE
Winery containers VATS
With a clean slate ANEW
Withdraws, with ''out'' OPTS
__ faire (Elizabethan event) REN