The Guardian - Quick crossword No 13,388 - Apr 6 2013

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Clues Answers
Accustomed to home life DOMESTICATED
Aesthetically pleasing ARTISTIC
Become extinct DIEOUT
Drug (abbr) — soft drink (abbr) COKE
Fall, as in a faint KEELOVER
For the time being INTERIM
Fortune-telling cards TAROT
In a belligerent mood ONTHEWARPATH
In the open air OUTDOOR
Narrow opening CLEFT
Clues Answers
Narrow opening CHINK
National emblem of Scotland THISTLE
Partition SCREEN
Propel with the foot KICK
Solitary ALONE
Spread equally EVENOUT
Stem of climbing palm used in wickerwork RATTAN
Teasing desire ITCH
Trade SELL
Triangle (anag) INTEGRAL
Turns out EVICTS
Typical commodity dealt with in one's occupation STOCKINTRADE