New York Times - Feb 24 2013

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Clues Answers
'I'm ___ you!' ONTO
'Is Your Mama a ___?' (children's book) LLAMA
'The Hostage' playwright, 1958 BEHAN
'Welcome Back, Kotter' guy VINNIE
A disk can be slipped in one DRIVE
Actor Silver RON
Actress Berger SENTA
Ages EON
Apologues FABLES
Author Canetti ELIAS
Back down OLLUP
Back down UTIPAC
Back down CNUYRC
Back down DHTIW
Bakers' measures: Abbr TSPS
Ball partner ARNAZ
Ballet dancer's support BARRE
Be rewarded for good service GETATIP
Berry of 'Perfect Stranger' HALLE
Best-selling author who served as a nurse in the Civil War ALCOTT
Big name in '60s peace activism ONO
Blooming tree POPLAR
Boxer nicknamed 'Hands of Stone' DURAN
Candy since 1927 PEZ
Capable of seeing in the dark CATEYED
Card game declaration MELD
Certain grilling ORALEXAM
Circus support STILT
Clearly marks ETCHES
Coarse EARTHY.
Common abbr. after a comma ETC
Company making arrangements, for short FTD
Crackpot NUT
Cut off STANCH
Demonstrates EVINCES
Detour signalers PYLONS
Dish out SERVE
Do with a pick, maybe AFRO
Dos but not don'ts NOTES
Downgrade, perhaps RERATE
Drummer's accompanier FIFER
Entrances INS
Envelope abbr ATTN
Extreme aversion HATRED
Father of Phobos ARES
Fever cause MALARIA
Floor vote AYE
Foul mood SNIT
Four-time baseball All-Star Jose REYES
French key CLE
Frivolous types TRIFLERS
Garnish, possibly SPRIG
Gather in bundles SHEAVE
Go wrong ERR
Good name, informally REP
Got ___ on (nailed) ANA
Handles receptions, say CATERS.
Hardens INURES
Healthy SOUND
Honeyed drink MEAD
Humdinger PIP
Inside look? DECOR
It's left on a keyboard TAB
Clues Answers
Itch scratcher's utterance AAH
Jacket decoration EPAULET
Joint committee? STONERS
Keep at awhile LINGEROVER
Kegler's org PBA
Kind of rat GYM
La ___ Tar Pits BREA
Lay to rest ENTOMB
Lays to rest INTERS
Leaning BIAS
Like some firs ALPINE
Like some oil refineries YEMENI
Lost, as a tail SHOOK
Loudly lament ULULATE
Made one WED
Made up UNTRUE
Mark, e.g GOSPEL
Mars candy TWIX
Miss ___ USA
Model material, often BALSA
Most bass LOWEST
Mrs. Miniver's husband in 'Mrs. Miniver' CLEM
N.C.A.A.'s Gamecocks USC
Native of Australia EMU
Not keep up LAG
One to one, for example TIED
Parts of galaxies NEBULAE.
Pascal's law LOI
Paul Bunyan, e.g MYTH
PBS has a big one BIRD
Play a flute TOOTLE
Postseason football game played in Mobile, Ala SENIORBOWL.
Pressure group? PEERS
Prince of Broadway HAL
Procrastinator's response MANANA
Publishes ISSUES
Quai d'Orsay setting SEINE
Quarters used in Greenland IGLOO
Rounds begin on the first one TEE
Run out ELAPSE
Sheen, in Sheffield LUSTRE
Show off one's 'guns' FLEX
Siberian city OMSK
Silver's is 107.87: Abbr ATWT
Sinuous swimmer EEL
Slick ones? FUELSPILLS
Slightest complaint PEEP
Some seen in mirrors? ARS
Sprinkler conduit HOSE
Staffs MANS
Take a card DRAW
Talks without sincerity PALTERS
The left, informally LIBS
Tough situation BIND
Treasures GEMS
Try to shoot FIREAT
Variety SORT
Vertical stabilizer FIN
Was a little too fond DOTED
Welcome through the door SHOWIN
What's the big idea? MASTERPLAN
When repeated, eager RAH
Where you gotta go? LAV
Winged ALAR
Yahoo LOUT
Yahoo! had one in 1996: Abbr IPO
[How dare you?!] SLAP
___ strip MOBIUS