New York Times - Mar 4 2013

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Clues Answers
'Little' Dickens girl NELL
'No seating' letters on Broadway SRO
'The Lord of the Rings' tree creature ENT
'Whatever' MEH
'___ see now!' ('Aha!') OHI
AAA offering TOW
Accounts of Scheherazade TALES
Andress of 'Dr. No' URSULA
Armstrong of jazz LOUIS
Artist Vincent van ___ GOGH
Back muscle, for short LAT
Big name in plastic wrap SARAN
Body part often pulled in sports GROIN
Bovine mouthful CUD
Cantina chip NACHO
CD-___ ROM
Chicago winter clock setting: Abbr CST
Cover all the ___ BASES
Daffodil-to-be BULB
Deplete USEUP
Diner coffee container URN
End of the Greek alphabet OMEGA
Enough AMPLE
Finales ENDS
Fleeting craze FAD
Four-time Daytona 500 winner CALEYARBOROUGH
Grassy expanse in the Southwest LLANO
Greek letter that sounds like the end of 16-, 22-, 36-, 47- or 58-Across RHO
Hair parter COMB
Homer's neighbor on 'The Simpsons' NED
Illustrious warrior returning from battle CONQUERINGHERO
Increase ADDTO
Journalists' office NEWSBUREAU
Just fine AOK
Laugh syllable HAR
Law officer wearing a star USMARSHAL
Clues Answers
Legal thriller author who wrote 'Presumed Innocent' SCOTTTUROW
Low-voiced chorus member BASS
M.I.T. business school name SLOAN
Make over REDO
Monopoly purchase before a hotel HOUSE
Name said before and after James BOND
Nevada city on the Humboldt River ELKO
Norway's capital OSLO
Old VHS rival BETA
One in court SUER
One-liner QUIP
One-named supermodel from Somalia IMAN
Part of N.A.A.C.P.: Abbr ASSOC
Performance for one SOLO
Picks via ballot ELECTS
Quest in a Monty Python movie GRAIL
Rambunctious ROWDY
Ripen AGE
Rowing implements OARS
Sit ___ by IDLY
Skirt line HEM
Small Welsh dog CORGI
Some Feds TMEN
Something for the needy ALMS
Sporting venue ARENA
Sporting venue GYMNASIUM
Talk up TOUT
Thyroid, for instance GLAND
Traveling, as a band ONTOUR
Visitors to baby Jesus MAGI
Wall St. debut IPO
Wanders ROAMS
Water heater BOILER
West African nation GHANA
When the sun is out DAY
Yule song CAROL
___ the Red (Viking explorer) ERIC
___-Saxon ANGLO