Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 2 2013

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Clues Answers
'Thin Man' dog ASTA
-- about (spread the word) BRUIT
41-Down's 'wings' EARS
Arp's movement DADA
Avoid SHUN
Back street ALLEY
Blunder ERR
Business abbr INC
Chow down EAT
Crockpot creation STEW
Deserve EARN
Discourteous RUDE
Disney pachyderm DUMBO
Eight English kings HENRYS
Eskimo boat UMIAK
Expert ACE
Food of the gods AMBROSIA
Geological time ERA
German chancellor Merkel ANGELA
Govt. lender FHA
Guaranteed MADESURE
Gymnosophist's practice NUDISM
Hale and hearty ROBUST
Hoosegow CAN
Illustrations ART
Incline TEND
Incompetent UNABLE
It gets punched TIMECARD
Just one thing after another? CHAINREACTION
Literary collection ANA
Clues Answers
Male turkey TOM
Narc's measure KILO
Near the treasure WARM
Neither mate NOR
Never again? ONCE
Noisy LOUD
Not so much LESS
Officeholders INS
One or more ANY
Onetime NYC mayor KOCH
Panasonic competitor RCA
Poehler or Grant AMY
Possess OWN
Punishment-related PENAL
Radius neighbor ULNA
Raise the anchor UNMOOR
Recluse HERMIT
Schnozz NOSE
Seasoning herb TARRAGON
Sicilian spouter ETNA
Slithery squeezer BOA
Sternward AFT
Successful player SCORER
Tier ROW
Unclear view BLUR
Vicinity AREA
Wear away ERODE
Wild party BASH
Writer Buscaglia LEO