Thomas Joseph - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 24 2012

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Clues Answers
'-- a Kick Out of You' IGET
'... -- he drove out of sight ...' ERE
'Love Story' writer SEGAL
'Wait --!' ASEC
Bridal title MRS
Candle count AGE
Caroled SANG
Christmas baked good FRUITCAKE
Christmas baked good PANETTONE
Christmas color GREEN
Christmas tree topper STAR
Christmas tree topper ANGEL
Comfy home LAIR
Comfy home NEST
Compass dir SSE
Crafty SLY
Dickens character Heep URIAH
Dictionary LEXICON
Drug agent, in slang NARCO
Easily attachable SNAPON
Fancy party FETE
German article DER
Harry Potter's position in quidditch SEEKER
Horticulturist Luther BURBANK
Lo-cal adjective LITE
Make roads PAVE
Clues Answers
Math comparison RATIO
Memorable time ERA
Nights before holidays EVES
Not masc FEM
Openings GAPS
Outfit RIG
Performed DID
Poetic foot IAMB
Present covering GIFTWRAP
Rink material ICE
Roasting spot OVEN
Rose part PETAL
Scoundrel KNAVE
Sipping aid STRAW
Sleigh ringers BELLS
Start of a count ONE
Stocking surrounder SHOE
Suspicious LEERY
Take exception DEMUR
Tips, as a hat DOFFS
To be, to Balzac ETRE
Top story ATTIC
Unmoving INERT
Urges on GOADS
Words of understanding ISEE