L.A. Times Daily - Dec 15 2012

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Clues Answers
"Chicago" Oscar winner ZETAJONES
"Crud!" NERTS
"Perform This Way" parodist WEIRDALYANKOVIC
"The Birth of a Nation" period SILENTERA
"The Facts of Life" actress RAE
"The Wind in the Willows" amphibian MRTOAD
"__ du lieber!" ACH
"__ first ..." IFAT
1972 Eastwood title role JOEKIDD
Actress Sorvino MIRA
Adorned mischievously TPED
Airborne pests GNATS
Big 12 football team led onto the field by The Masked Rider TEXASTECH
Black's opposite, financially RED
Blown away INAWE
Bossy remark? MOO
Branch of chemistry INORGANIC
Brand of imitation fat OLEAN
Brewer's need OAST
Clarifying words IMEAN
Clarifying words THATIS
Conan's network TBS
Confusing places MAZES
Country with a dragon on its flag WALES
Cutting-edge brand since the '70s GINSU
Dietary no RDA
Early WWII prime minister Chamberlain NEVILLE
Expressive rock genre EMO
First name in spy fiction IAN
Friend of Uncle Tom LITTLEEVA
Future doc's test MCAT
Graph references AXES
Head shot? BOTOX
Highway through Whitehorse ALCAN
Clues Answers
If nothing changes ASITIS
In order NEAT
It was dissolved by the Belavezha Accords SOVIETUNION
It's repeated a lot MANTRA
Keystone site ARCH
Life sentence reducers? EDITORS
Martians, e.g ETS
Matter of faith CREDO
Meanie OGRE
Medieval poem about fate set to music in Orff's "Carmina Burana" OFORTUNA
Of the 48 states, it has the largest island NEWYORK
Old language that gives us "geyser" NORSE
One with the latest gizmos GADGETEER
Optimal IDEAL
Parting words? ILEFT
Perform a long jump SKYDIVE
Pianist Watts ANDRE
Planned stops: Abbr STNS
Ride CAR
Roi's wife REINE
Royal decree FIAT
Sgt., e.g NCO
Show co-hosted by Robin Roberts, briefly GMA
Some linemen: Abbr LGS
Street light NEON
Tantrum result, maybe SCENE
Teleportation device for chocolate, in a 1971 film WONKAVISION
Took a good look at OGLED
Unfaithful TWOTIMING
UPC cousin SKU
Weapon outlawed by a 1993 agreement NERVEGAS
When Othello says to Desdemona, "... would thou hadst ne'er been born!" ACTIV
Whiting cousin COD
__ Island CONEY
__ renewal URBAN
__-en-Provence, France AIX