- Dec 3 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''That's too bad!'' ALAS
Advise caution to WARN
Andy Warhol genre POPART
Apply, as pressure EXERT
At the drop of __ (quickly) AHAT
Baby bird's noise TWEET
Barnyard oinkers PIGS
Baseball hats CAPS
Before, in poems ERE
Billiards participant POOLPLAYER
Bird-feeder food SEED
Bit of land in the ocean ISLET
Cairo's river NILE
Canonized person SAINT
Cone-bearing tree PINE
Corn portion EAR
Dole out ALLOT
Entertains at home HASIN
Enthusiasm SPIRIT
Fence opening GATE
Hand-gel additive ALOE
Has on WEARS
Hunter's quarry PREY
Itsy-bitsy TEENSY
Jam or butter SPREAD
Leg joint KNEE
Like a knife's edge SHARP
Little kids TOTS
Londoners, informally BRITS
Loses color PALES
Marsh plant REED
Minor quarrel SPAT
Mystical glow AURA
Neither here __ there NOR
Occupied a chair SAT
Offended HURT
Onion or mushroom, on a pizza TOPPING
Oodles ALOT
Opera solo ARIA
Clues Answers
Pacific or Atlantic OCEAN
Pays a visit to STOPSAT
Pays to play poker ANTES
Picnic dinnerware PAPERPLATE
Pirate's haul LOOT
Police-car wailer SIREN
Pork serving CHOP
Portable electricity source POWERPACK
Prepare, as a gift WRAP
Pressing appliance IRON
Rosebush stickers THORNS
Ruby or crimson DARKRED
Scarlett of ''Gone With the Wind'' OHARA
Seattle clock setting: Abbr PST
Separates into stacks SORTS
Sharp knock RAP
Sharply inclined STEEP
Short-lived trends FADS
Short-tempered TESTY
Shower attention (on) DOTE
Sign of sorrow TEAR
Smooched KISSED
Sound like a bull SNORT
Sport on horseback POLO
Stayed out of sight LAIDLOW
That woman HER
Thumbs-up vote YEA
Time between salary checks PAYPERIOD
Top playing card ACE
Twilled suit material SERGE
Two-tone cookie OREO
Underground plant part ROOT
Untrue FALSE
Used a vegetable peeler PARED
Waist circlers BELTS
Wild West bars SALOONS
Winter glider SLED
Woodcutters' tools AXES
Young male horse COLT