USA Today - Nov 17 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Cheers" regular NORM
"Friends in Low Places" singer Brooks GARTH
"Mardi" follower GRAS
"Never mind," to an editor STET
"No sweat!" EASY
ABA member ATTY
Adventurous Jones INDIANA
Amos or Spelling TORI
Ancient Greek region IONIA
Anticipate AWAIT
Attempt STAB
Born, on the society pages NEE
Campus area QUAD
Chekhov's uncle? VANYA
Chowder ingredient CLAM
Compulsive desire ITCH
Computer key ENTER
Diminutive creature of folklore ELF
Doesn't fall apart LASTS
Double curves OGEES
Ending for "pay" or "schnoz" OLA
Entertainer's job GIG
Favorite saying MOTTO
File folder appendages TABS
Finished off a cake ICED
Fusses TODOS
Highest point ACME
Houston ballplayer ASTRO
Incomparable ending EST
Informal message MEMO
Instrument for 62-Across VOICE
Is less than honest LIES
It precedes Romeo ALFA
Jazz great James ETTA
Life stories, for short BIOS
Like some passages NASAL
Liquor made from the agave plant TEQUILA
Clues Answers
Little bit IOTA
Mild-flavored herb CHERVIL
Military bigwigs BRASS
Music greats Scott and Janis JOPLINS
Native American group TRIBE
Neeson in "Schindler's List" LIAM
Nick and ___ Charles NORA
Nickname for World Golf Hall of Famer Palmer ARNIE
Nighttime movie with Doris Day? ONMOONLIGHTBAY
Nighttime movie with Doris Day? PILLOWTALK
Nighttime movie with Doris Day? MYDREAMISYOURS
Nighttime movie with Doris Day? (with "The") PAJAMAGAME
Not a happy camper SAD
Not too tight ROOMY
Novels have them PLOTS
Permitted LICIT
Person Miss Manners would not approve of BOOR
Pond plant ALGA
Popular stationery brand EATON
Pound of poetry EZRA
Razor brand ATRA
Rice with a nutty aroma BASMATI
River to the Fulda EDER
Salty drop TEAR
Secular LAIC
Shaped like an egg or a face OVAL
Shed a 33-Down WEPT
Sky blue AZURE
Something heard through the grapevine RUMOR
Suit to ___ ATEE
Sweet potatoes YAMS
Tableland MESA
Take off the top SKIM
Tarzan's friends APES
Was first in a parade LED
What lettuce will do, eventually WILT
Windy day weather report word GUSTING
___ Paulo SAO