Ink Well xwords - Nov 16 2012

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Clues Answers
'All Things Considered' org NPR
'As Gregor Samsa ___ one morning ...' AWOKE
'Buddy Holly' band WEEZER
'Check,' in poker IPASS
'Karate Kid' locale DOJO
'Konami code' game platform NES
'Sounds like a plan!' LETS
'___ Idiot Brother' (Paul Rudd comedy) OUR
-ish ESQUE
Acronym for a modern police weapon TASER
Bad spell at the plate SLUMP
Best Supporting Actress of 2008 PENELOPECRUZ
Billy who played the bad guy in 'Titanic' ZANE
Break that might involve a pint of ice cream METIME
Bus. student's exam GMAT
Certain human drive LOVE
Classic rock band that sort of reunited in 2012 ELO
Cogitate MULL
Coiled locks DREADS
Consumers of crustaceans EELS
Dench who plays M JUDI
Do a hip job, say? OPERATE
Face shape OVAL
Fifth-century king renowned for his cruelty ATTILATHEHUN
German patron saint against mice and moles ULRIC
German political group BUND
He played Pre LETO
Help create a racket, say ABET
Hipster draft pick? PABST
Hostess with a television empire ELLEN
Hostess with a television empire OPRAH
Hot handout at a Japanese restaurant TOWEL
Jazz legend born on Saturn (or so he said) SUNRA
Keep away REPEL
Ken Griffey Jr. skipped it on his way to the majors AAA
Lowers DIMS
Magazine that profiles MCs XXL
Math wave SINE
Clues Answers
Matty, Jesus, Felipe, or Moises ALOU
Melville novel about Tahiti OMOO
Middle NEXUS
Missing, perhaps LATETO
Moment of mugging PHOTOOP
Nineteenth-century stage genre involving watery sets AQUADRAMA
Not booked FREE
Old-fashioned, in New Orleans SAZERAC
One meaning of 'aloha' PEACE
One might get you in the door IDBADGE
Planned community MODELTOWN
Pre-brushing brand PLAX
Put in a footnote CITE
Racing family with a museum in New Mexico UNSER
Raised by wolves, say FERAL
Reeves in a 'sad' meme KEANU
Retentive, in a way ANAL
Shindig SOIREE
Sits next to ABUTS
Snopes subject HOAX
Something to bookmark URL
Something to come up for AIR
Sound a child might imitate ARF
Stretchable things stretched across 17-, 24-, 49-, and 62-Across MUSCLES
Striking people, at times UNION
Title in Indian restaurant names RANI
Tofu, e.g CURD
TV channels 2 to 13, once VHF
TV drama sites ERS
Virus that inspired 'Outbreak' EBOLA
Washington, e.g STATE
What some bars offer? ENERGY
Where Anderson Cooper went to school YALE
Word on a check VOID
Words from one about to bat IMUP
Year in the life of William the Conqueror MLI
[You smell like some other cat and I don't like you] HISS