Universal - Nov 10 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Galveston" crooner Campbell GLEN
"Sesame Street" resident ERNIE
"___ we all?" ARENT
"____ House" (Madness hit) OUR
2000 presidential candidate Keyes ALAN
Acquire a wintry glaze ICEUP
Actress Hayworth RITA
Any ship at sea SHE
Apartment building owner LESSOR
Appears to be SEEMS
Assume as fact POSIT
Beat, as a heart PULSATE
Bird along the coast ERNE
British racing spot ASCOT
Bye at the French Open? ADIEU
Castle defense MOAT
CD follower ROM
Cheese in Greek salads FETA
Chimney cleaner's concern FLUE
Church supporter TITHER
Common woodwind OBOE
Controlled regimen of food and drink DIET
Coral habitat REEF
Courtroom statements OATHS
Cove kin INLET
Exodus commemoration SEDER
Exuding reverence PIOUS
Face card's value, often TEN
Farriers, often SHOERS
Forearm bone ULNA
Gemstone surface FACET
Genetic messenger letters RNA
Golf shirt? TEE
Hatfields and McCoys, e.g FOES
Have a bug AIL
Hospital staff NURSES
Hull hazard FLOE
Kimono cousin ROBE
King of the stage LEAR
Clues Answers
Lead-in to "fare" THORO
Leave in after all STET
Lhasa ___ APSO
Like a car full of money ARMORED
Like a yenta NOSY
Like many beds MADE
Marching to a different drummer OFFBEAT
Milking container PAIL
More-than-admired one IDOL
Most peaceful SERENEST
Navel newbie (var.) PLEBE
New beginning? NEO
One who can't adjust MISFIT
Pacific tuber TARO
Pan-fry SAUTE
Pencil stump NUB
Piano man John ELTON
Pioneer carrier STAGE
Praises mightily LAUDS
Put back the way things were UNDO
Reporting to UNDER
Reputation blemish BLOT
Rich ore deposits LODES
Ruffles one's feathers MIFFS
Run in long, easy strides LOPE
Sickeningly suave UNCTUOUS
Sock-mender's oath? DARN
Spread for bread OLEO
Strait-laced STUFFY
Tribal trademark TOTEM
Very dry, as Champagne BRUT
Wax eloquent ORATE
When many doors open NINE
Word after "film" or "cafe" NOIR
Wrinkle-faced pooch PUG