Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Nov 1 2012

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Clues Answers
'Flying Down to --' RIO
'The Greatest' ALI
'Where did -- wrong?' IGO
-- and hearty HALE
-- de deux PAS
Abound TEEM
Acapulco gold ORO
Alias (Abbr.) AKA
Branch ARM
Castle protection MOAT
Chantilly, e.g LACE
Circus tent BIGTOP
Cognitive MENTAL
Dine SUP
Dry cleaner's challenges STAINS
Early bird? EGG
Embassy bigwig DIPLOMAT
Enthusiastic, plus AGOG
Fashionable IN
Former ONCE
Freeway access RAMP
Glitz GLAM
Goblet feature STEM
Greek consonant TAU
High-ranking angel SERAPH
Highlander SCOT
Historic writeup ANNALS
It's between kue and ess AR
Leering look OGLE
Listener EAR
Melody AIR
Clues Answers
Ocean motion TIDE
Ostrich's cousin EMU
PC picture ICON
Peat source MOSS
Peyton's brother ELI
Pictorializations IMAGES
Pitch TOSS
Places LOCI
Play down MINIMIZE
Prez after Harry IKE
Rocky peak CRAG
Sharp turn ZIG
Shooter ammo PEA
Sleep phenomenon, for short REM
Small details MINUTIAE
Smooth-talking GLIB
Storyteller NARRATOR
Suitable APT
Theater box LOGE
Therefore ERGO
Titanic foe BERG
Top-rated AONE
Turkish title AGA
Understands GETS
Urban pall SMOG
Valhalla VIP ODIN
Washington's portraitist STUART
Water barrier DAM
Witticism BONMOT
Zodiac cat LEO