USA Today - Oct 20 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"5W-30" preceder SAE
"L'___ del Cairo" (Mozart opera) OCA
"Shallow ___" (Jack Black film) HAL
1996 Best Picture nominee FARGO
ATM's lack ONES
Attracted DREW
Baseball stat that is better when lower ERA
Beck hit of 1993 LOSER
Belarus, once (Abbr.) SSR
British rule in colonial India RAJ
Business at hand AGENDA
Certain Coyote WILEE
Companion of Artemis OREAD
Deceived CONNED
Definitely not polite RUDE
Dining option ALACARTE
Donnybrooks MELEES
Driver's lic. and others IDS
Eastern philosophical principle TAO
Excessively sentimental expressions TREACLES
Felon's file RAPSHEET
Frankness CANDOR
Gets off the fence OPTS
Give a nudge PROD
Grimalkin CAT
Half of a carefree phrase EASYGO
Hand-held firework SPARKLER
Hastened RACED
Helicopter component ROTOR
Historic mission ALAMO
Hour div MIN
Indeterminate quantity SOME
It may be cocked HAT
Josh Hamilton stat RBI
Jr. and sr., e.g YRS
Knock about ROAM
Clues Answers
Kyoto fast food SUSHI
Lively Latin dance SALSA
Moan and groan CARP
Monty Python's Idle ERIC
Mr., abroad SRI
National park allure SCENERY
Noah's landfall ARARAT
North African desert SAHARA
Oil field sight DERRICK
One is dynamic DUO
Overtones or harmonics, in music PARTIALS
Pac-12 member ASU
Paver's supply TAR
Polar feature ICECAP
Port in southeast Iraq BASRA
Quarky item? ATOM
Racket DIN
Rescued damsel's cry MYHERO
Samuel Gompers' org AFL
Sheriff's gang POSSE
Short collection? REPO
Shows displeasure SCOWLS
Side product? AREA
Site of a fabled forge ETNA
Some serpents ADDERS
Tibetan gazelle GOA
Track and field projectiles JAVELINS
Try out TEST
Understands GRASPS
Upper hand EDGE
Valhalla honcho ODIN
Waiting room LOUNGE
Zoroastrian PARSI