- Sep 30 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''A mouse!'' EEK
''Bus Stop'' playwright INGE
''Cosmos'' author CARLSAGAN
''Favorite Haunts'' cartoonist CHASADDAMS
''Give __ break!'' MEA
''Got it'' ISEE
''I've heard enough'' SPAREME
''It's a Wonderful Life'' director FRANKCAPRA
''Ol' Man River'' crop TATERS
''Small'' kids FRY
''Star Wars'' studio FOX
''Tonight Show'' host before Carson JACKPAAR
0% NIL
100% ALL
Account subtraction DEBIT
Alto's ''instrument'' VOICE
America's Cup participant RACER
Ancient prophetess SIBYL
Australian birds EMUS
Baby bouncer KNEE
Baloney TRIPE
Beer barrels KEGS
Beethoven's ''Minuet __'' ING
Berry from palms ACAI
Beside oneself IRATE
Big name in foil ALCOA
Borgia written about by Machiavelli CESARE
Bowler's success STRIKE
Boxing championship TITLE
Brazilian soccer great PELE
Brit's tube TELLY
British New Wave singer ADAMANT
Cantina fare TAMALE
Chinese martial art TAICHI
Collection of software SUITE
Composer of ''The Twist'' HANKBALLARD
Connected TIED
Costner, in ''The Untouchables'' NESS
Course for new immigrants: Abbr ESL
Crane kin HERON
Darkened UNLIT
Defeat soundly DRUB
Did nothing IDLED
Does business DEALS
Dutch illusionary artist ESCHER
Epps of ''House, M.D.'' OMAR
Exec degrees MBAS
Experimentation stations LABS
Extended narrative SAGA
Extreme severity RIGOR
Fix up, for short REHAB
For the whole family RATEDG
Former Canon competitor MINOLTA
Freight LOAD
Furniture woods TEAKS
German physics Nobelist MAXPLANCK
Gets to work STARTS
Go wrong ERR
Grad student ordeal ORALS
Grassy fields LEAS
Hapless ones ZHLUBS
Have no use for ABHOR
Heredity factors GENES
Hot spots SAUNAS
Hungarian composer/pianist LISZT
Icy look GLARE
Impolite look LEER
Instrument on Irish euros HARP
Isn't quite vertical LEANS
Clues Answers
James I through Anne STUARTS
Joyce Kilmer poem TREES
Keystone Studios character KOP
Kid-lit elephant BABAR
Leaf through PERUSE
Lexus alternative ACURA
Library directive SILENCE
Macbeth's title THANE
Metric prefix DECA
Middle of the 11th century MLI
MVP of the first two Super Bowls BARTSTARR
Nathan Hale alma mater YALE
Nautical command HARDALEE
Ninny DOPE
Northwestern Pennsylvania county ERIE
On a detective's list SUSPECTED
Overly formal PRIM
Pager signals BEEPS
Period away ABSENCE
Piece of abstract art STABILE
Protrudes JUTS
Pull from behind DRAG
Pulls away WRESTS
Ready to pick RIPE
Remnants ENDS
Roe source SHAD
Russian-born modern artist MARCCHAGALL
Salon bottle HAIRDYE
Salute HAIL
Scottish accent BURR
Separated APART
Shakespearean teen ROMEO
Ship designation HER
Signifies DENOTES
Singer Stefani GWEN
Singsong syllables LALA
Six-time Emmy winner ALANALDA
Some germs BACTERIA
Some nobles EARLS
Sound boosters AMPS
Spooky EERIE
Spruces up, as a tux DRYCLEANS
Standing straight ERECT
Starfish rays ARMS
Stickler PRIG
Stickler's belief PURISM
Strong ''emozione'' AMORE
Sundae staple VANILLA
Suntan lotion stats SPFS
Swashbuckling episode DUEL
Theater arts DRAMATICS
Thin nail BRAD
Throws in ADDS
Toll rd TPK
Tough journey TREK
Toys __ (retail chain) RUS
Train track RAIL
Traveled a circular path ARCED
Turk neighbor IRANI
Tuscaloosa school, for short BAMA
Upscale Italian fashion brand BULGARI
Utah national park ARCHES
W.C. Fields persona SOT
Wagner heroine ISOLDE
Wedding party rituals TOASTS
Whodunit author Paretsky SARA
Wide-ranging DIVERSE
Wimbledon winner in '87 PATCASH
__ good turn (be helpful) DOA
__ Q.T. (secretly) ONTHE