- Sep 9 2012

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Clues Answers
''Bye!'' ADIEU
''Good'' cholesterol: Abbr HDL
''__ for Evidence'' (Grafton novel) EIS
100% PURE
Above water AFLOAT
Actress Tyler LIV
Actress Ward SELA
Aegean island RHODES
Animation collectible CEL
Annually AYEAR
Any Smith grad ALUMNA
Apollo's instrument LYRE
Arles article LES
Attention getter PSST
Ave. crossers STS
Beauty's beloved BEAST
Bedroom piece BUREAU
Bewilder STUN
Blissful locale EDEN
Born loser's bane? BADDESTOFLUCK
Brake part DISC
Bride's pride DRESS
Brought in EARNED
Bumper flaw DENT
Capitol Reef National Park site UTAH
Carell of ''The Office'' STEVE
Cede power ABDICATE
Centers of activity LOCI
Choral part ALTO
CIA predecessor OSS
City on the English Channel CALAIS
Compassion MERCY
Cote d' __ AZUR
Count's equivalent EARL
Country singer McCann LILA
Dander IRE
Dignifies ENNOBLES
Disorder MESS
Diving by-product SPLASH
DOD branch USMC
Droop SAG
Dual-power ACDC
Dutch painter Frans HALS
Early arrival PREEMIE
Easter precursor LENT
Easy toss LOB
Einstein BRAIN
Entered information DATA
Eventually becomes ENDSUP
Far from strapped RICH
Fashion mag ELLE
Fey of ''30 Rock'' TINA
Fill-in-blanks word game MADLIBS
Foundry frame MOLD
Gave the OK SAIDSO
Give off EXUDE
Glitzy, for short GLAM
GPS reading ENE
Gussied (up) DUDED
High regard ESTEEM
Hydroelectric power agcy TVA
In the spirit of ALA
It means ''earth'' GEO
It might be shown to you DOOR
Jungle squeezer BOA
Kin of contra- ANTI
Knapsack KITBAG
Latin clarifier IDEST
Lean to one side LIST
Lewis Carroll beast SNARK
Lisa's ''Friends'' role PHOEBE
Clues Answers
Lucy of ''Charlie's Angels'' LIU
Madison Avenue ADBIZ
Messed up one's undercover assignment? ADDLEDADOUBLELIFE
Misplace LOSE
Mont. neighbor IDA
Mr. Kringle KRISS
NBC comedy showcase SNL
Needing a battery charge DEAD
Neptune's domain THESEA
New Age musician John TESH
NL city since 1892 STL
Not a dream REAL
Not in the dark AWARE
Not taught INNATE
Obviously embarrassed REDASABEET
One in a stroller BABY
One online USER
Pale purple LILAC
PBS science series NOVA
Pencil remnants NUBS
Pester EATAT
Pilgrim's destination HOLYLAND
Port St. __, FL LUCIE
Prefix for comic SERIO
Pub pick ALE
Push forward SURGE
Push forward REVUP
Put the kibosh on NIX
Quite a ways off FAR
Ram's mate EWE
Ran in the wash BLED
Rare gas NEON
Reinforced, as a jacket LINED
Rival of Edison TESLA
Schnozz BEAK
Scottish hide-and-seek players? LADDIEDETECTORS
Sean Combs alter ego DIDDY
Shallowest Great Lake ERIE
Show approval CLAP
Slapstick projectile CREAMPIE
Sleek, in car-speak AERO
Snowbirds' December destination SOUTH
Soprano showcase ARIA
Sponsor of quacking commercials AFLAC
Sport with tiny jockeys? SADDLEDDOGRACING
Spousal response YESDEAR
Starting crew ATEAM
State forcefully ASSERT
State forcefully AVER
Street rep CRED
Surfers' shopping destination EMALL
Surrounded by AMIDST
This: Sp ESTO
Thor's pop ODIN
To be, to Marie ETRE
Too flattering SMARMY
Took, as advice ACTEDON
Trattoria staple BASIL
Tulsa sch ORU
TV doctor Marcus WELBY
Twist out of shape WARP
Uncouth RUDE
Used a beer container as a makeshift canoe? PADDLEDONESCASE
Valuable stone GEM
Violin piece SONATA
Visibility, in product names VUE
Wasn't up-front LIED
Wear down TIRE
Western capital SALEM
Wheels CAR
Where frozen rice is harvested? ESKIMOPADDIES
Zodiac roarer LEO