Universal - Apr 12 2005

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Clues Answers
''Bingo ___ Yale'' (Porter tune) ELI
''Cheers'' character DIANE
''Frasier'' setting SEATTLE
''If I ___ a Hammer'' HAD
''Just ___'' (Nike slogan) DOIT
''Potpourri for 1000, ___'' ALEX
''To the max'' indicator EST
''___ the fields we go'' OER
''___, a deer ...'' DOE
4,047 square meters ACRE
A Brady boy GREG
A prayer ORISON
Amati of violin-making fame ANDREA
Army outfit UNIT
Avoid deliberately SHUN
Ayn Rand character GALT
Before, of yore ERE
Bit of marital friction SPAT
Botanical joint NODE
Breezed through, as an exam ACED
Burghoff's co-star ALDA
Chief magistrate of Venice DOGE
Chromosome occupant GENE
Cocoon covering SILK
Cream ingredient ALOE
Dark, poetically EBON
Demanded a ransom, e.g. EXTORTED
Divination practitioner SEER
Divisions of joules ERGS
Doesn't just sniffle BAWLS
Down the hatch EATEN
Earth mover PLOW
Earthy pigment OCHER
Elite police team SWAT
Eruption particle ASH
Escape the notice of ELUDE
Etc. relative ETAL
Event at the company picnic, perhaps EGGANDSPOONRACE
Expand upon ADDTO
Feelings of dread ANGSTS
Fiery fits RAGES
Fire antonym HIRE
First name in folk music ARLO
Gear for a galley OAR
Gerund maker ING
Gets the picture GRASPS
Give someone the business REFER
Glimmer of color TINGE
Go great guns! STEPONTHEGAS
Go great guns! GETAMOVEON
Go great guns! HIGHTAILIT
Go great guns! MAKEITSNAPPY
God of war ARES
God with a bow EROS
Golf club head socket HOSEL
Gray matter output IDEAS
Green tea HYSON
Group of badgers CETE
Hardly gregarious ICY
Head start, e.g. EDGE
Healthy, wealthy follower WISE
Heated conflict SETTO
Hebdomad WEEK
Herman's Hermit NOONE
It can be pressing NEED
It may be half or blue MOON
Kaffiyeh wearer ARAB
Kind of income EARNED
Lennon's widow ONO
Lentil sauce DAL
Like some breakfast cereal OATEN
Looked for fingerprints DUSTED
Loses feeling NUMBS
Make a fielding error MISPLAY
Mesozoic and Cenozoic, for two ERAS
Musical chairs goal SEAT
Clues Answers
Nee Christiania? OSLO
No longer bursting at the seams? SEWN
Not occurring naturally MADE
Old sleep inducer ETHER
On the up-and-up? RISING
One wet behind the ears TYRO
Open ___ of worms ACAN
Palliates EASES
Paris subway system METRO
Parishioner's word AMEN
Part of many action flicks CHASE
Penny Black was the first one STAMP
Play for a sap USE
Plural contraction THEYVE
Pot ingredient? ANTE
Powerful draft horse SHIRE
Pretentiously cultured ARTY
Public secretary of old SCRIBE
Queen of Hearts' specialty TARTS
Quoted as an authority CITED
Ratted SANG
Regatta entrants BOATS
Remunerates PAYS
Roman greetings AVES
Romances WOOS
Saratoga Springs, e.g. RESORT
Sauce brand RAGU
Screenwriter's dream OSCAR
Seedy place? CORE
Selling point ASSET
Seniors' last dance? PROM
Sharp replies RETORTS
Shoemaker's tools AWLS
Short straw drawer, e.g. LOSER
Skirt insert GORE
Small country houses COTTAGES
Soap unit EPISODE
Social standing RANK
Some cheers RAHS
Some equines MARES
Some spread it on thick OLEO
Sound in body HALE
Sound of thunder BOOM
Sprinter's event HUNDREDYARDDASH
Steak partner ALE
Straight-laced and then some PRISSY
Suddenly attacked, in a way LUNGEDAT
Suffix for four TEEN
Summer month AUGUST
Telephone button STAR
The Gold Coast, now GHANA
They can be made to meet ENDS
They may be against you ODDS
Tightly twisted cotton thread LISLE
Tipsy HIGH
Tobacco pipe BRIAR
Tougher competition than you thought RUNFORYOURMONEY
Transferee, in law ALIENEE
Transportation-sharing arrangements CARPOOLS
Treaty brother ALLY
Turkish bigwig AGHA
Turner portrayer Bassett ANGELA
Twins share them GENES
Type of child ONLY
Wahine wear LEI
Weather forecast, perhaps HAIL
Wee hour ONE
What belongs to us OURS
Where the buck stops HERE
Whetter's concern EDGE
Whopper competitor BIGMAC
With the wherewithal ABLE
Withering SERE
Work of Sappho, e.g. ODE
You'll get credit for it ROLE
Zoo necessities CAGES
___ dolorosa VIA