New York Times - Mar 31 2005

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Clues Answers
'Christ Before Pilate' artist TITIAN
'Savvy?' YOUDIG
'Whew!' MAN
'___ man who wasn't there' IMETA
3- and 9-Down, e.g. PARADOXICALPAIR
Athenian vowel ETA
Ball in a basket YARN
Barnstormer FLIER
Become old enough for GROWINTO
Biblical pronoun THY
Certain community centers YMCAS
Chasm GULF
Coca-Cola Company beverage NESTEA
Concerning INRE
Consequently THEN
Cook, in a way, as eggs SOFTBOIL
Date SEE
Detroit org. UAW
Didn't spoil KEPT
Falter SLIP
Famous recluse GARBO
Fighter pilot Edward for whom an airport is named OHARE
Fills up SATES
Fractions of a deg. SECS
Hotel restriction NOPETS
Indications needing interpretation OMENS
Inspiration for poets and musicians ERATO
It comes from the kitchen AROMA
It trembles in the woods ASPEN
Kilmer of 'Batman Forever' VAL
Magic charm MOJO
McGregor of 'Star Wars' films EWAN
Milo's title partner in a 1989 film OTIS
Minor objection NIT
Clues Answers
N.B.A. star who played at L.S.U. ONEAL
Not act professionally? HAM
Old ___ MAID
One good at multiplying RABBIT
Paragons IDEALS
Pioneering computer ENIAC
Pitching stat SAVES
Planar measure ACRE
Poetic time of day EEN
Relate to BEARON
Representative PROXY
Rocker Ocasek RIC
See to details DOTTHEIS
Shocks testers BUMPS
Shoe part ARCH
Singer Mitchell JONI
Some colonists ANTS
Some sci-fi villains ANDROIDS
Something to go to SEED
Sound of a epiphany AHA
Speech interruptions ERS
Substitute SCRUB
Swiss vendor DELI
Tackle box item LURE
Talk big BRAG
They're chewed in the field CUDS
They're crunched ABS
Thick slice SLAB
Tiny bit ATOM
Toughness SINEW
Transportation option RAIL
Web site offering LINK
Where Columbus made landfall, 1492 HAITI
Without SANS
Word said while raising one's hand HERE
___-cone SNO