Universal - Jul 18 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Beloved" novelist Morrison TONI
"Mona ___" (da Vinci work) LISA
"Tag! ___ it!" YOURE
"The greatest" of boxing ALI
"Twilight" protagonist BELLA
1492 ship NINA
Abbr. in a library catalog ETAL
Agitated state SNIT
Any of several kings of Norway OLAV
Attacked, bee-style STUNG
Blackthorn fruit SLOE
Bronze animal in New York's financial district BULL
Cartel formed in '60 OPEC
Currency exchange statistic RATE
Daddy Warbucks' charge ANNIE
Decorative sewing case ETUI
Defense org. since 1949 NATO
Despise with a passion ABHOR
Diamond flaw? ERROR
Do the floors MOP
Dressmaker's aid PATTERN
Easily swayed PLIANT
Fields of study AREAS
Flinches or frowns REACTS
Foil material TIN
Food in a shell TACO
Foreshadow BODE
Fowl on a menu CAPON
Galoshes BOOTS
Historic span ERA
Honolulu howdy ALOHA
How hippies wore their hair LONG
In plain sight OVERT
Investigation with much digging PROBE
Joint in many a joke BAR
Jubilance GLEE
Land measure ACRE
Large reference book TOME
Like a well-grounded argument TENABLE
Clues Answers
Like many vaccines ORAL
Like some proportions EPIC
Located SITED
Maui mementos LEIS
Ms. Krabappel (animated educator) EDNA
Nobody in particular ANYONE
Old crosses ROODS
One of the four oceans INDIAN
One with the most life experience ELDEST
Outpouring SPATE
Pay a visit to SEE
Portable bed COT
Put on a long face POUT
Recedes to the ocean EBBS
River to the Caspian Sea URAL
Send with a click EMAIL
Sheep's cry BAA
Ships personified, e.g SHES
Sit at a light IDLE
Sleep-inducing fly TSETSE
Starling's home NEST
Supermarket feature AISLE
Symbol of toughness STEEL
Take into one's family ADOPT
The Mavericks, on scoreboards DAL
Thinning in the middle? ENS
Toga alternative TUNIC
Tournament freebie BYE
Trident prong TINE
Understands GETS
Up to the time that UNTIL
Use it to prevent running on COMMA
V-shaped indentation NOTCH
Vatican leader POPE
Wall Street watchdog agcy SEC
Weapon electrified in the Olympics EPEE