Ink Well xwords - Jul 6 2012

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Clues Answers
'Drill, baby, drill' area, briefly ANWR
'Fore ERE
'Godzilla' studio TOHO
'Look! In the sky!' UPTHERE
'See 59-Across' GNIGHT
'Sin City' actress Jessica ALBA
'Take it ___ compliment ...' ASA
2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Laura NYRO
Airline that folded in 2001 TWA
Be clothed in WEAR
Blissful places EDENS
Body part on a dollar bill EYE
Bowie's style, for a time GLAM
Building with volumes LIBRARY
Casual top, casually TEE
Cathedral instrument ORGAN
Celebrity's crew POSSE
Celestial shape ORB
CIA antagonist during the Cold War KGBSPY
City that's 85% Mormon OREM
City where John McCain was shot down HANOI
Command to a guard dog SICEM
Currency exchange shop abbr USD
Decorative hangings above a window SWAGS
Drink from Tazo TEA
Eccentric pianist Glenn GOULD
Five-paragraph piece, perhaps ESSAY
Flow slowly OOZE
Frequently, archaically OFT
Funnyman's bits GAGS
Gerund ending ING
Ginger's partner, in takeout WASABI
Glass of 'This American Life' IRA
Hairstyle with a pick in it, perhaps AFRO
Clues Answers
Hand-dyed fabric BATIK
Home planet of a Robin Williams character ORK
Horny sheep RAM
Impatient Spaniard's word AHORA
Japanese buckwheat noodle SOBA
King James of Miami, casually BRON
Letter after sigma TAU
Letters before ://www HTTP
Lifts one's head above water EMERGES
Longhouse dwellers ERIES
Magnate from Battle Creek KELLOGG
More into dudes GAYER
Ninety-degree joint ELL
Old witch HAG
Old-school Nintendo button RESET
One of several kids in a 1985 Spielberg story GOONIE
PayPal owner EBAY
Richard's successor as Mayor of Chicago RAHM
Run out DRYUP
Scarlett of literature OHARA
Scientist who was a resistance leader? OHM
See 17-Across PEE
See 35-Across TRAVEL
See 69-Across RAGE
See 7-Across MAKESURE
Set in a pocket, often KEYS
Settles ahead of time PREPAYS
Sky blue AZURE
Smashing Pumpkins co-founder James IHA
Stuffed mouse, often CATTOY
Toward the back AREAR
U.S. funder of biomedical research NIH
Uncertain speaker's stumbles UMS
Understand, as a joke GET
Wash against, as the tide on the shore LAPAT
White of lighting up letters and clapping VANNA
Wipe out, politically PURGE
Word before de toilette or de Cologne EAU
___ Lanka SRI