Wall Street Journal - Mar 25 2005 - March 25, 2005 - Waxing Nostalgic

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Clues Answers
'Holy smokes!' EGAD
'I kid you not' speaker PAAR
'Stand and Deliver' star OLMOS
'The House of the Seven Gables' setting SALEM
'The Outcasts of Poker Flat' writer HARTE
'When pigs fly!' NOTEVER
1860s actress ___ Isaacs Menken ADAH
1979 Roman Polanski film TESS
1999 Steven Soderbergh movie, with 'The' LIMEY
A thou ONEG
Adaptable ELASTIC
Afg. neighbor PAK
Airport sched. abbr. ETA
Ambient music pioneer ENO
Archaeologist's place TOMB
As a result ERGO
Atsuta Shrine setting NAGOYA
Attack from the air STRAFE
Barrel material ELM
Be green, in a way RECYCLE
Big name in Chinese history ENLAI
Binary star in Perseus ALGOL
Blanchett of 'The Aviator' CATE
Blank look STARE
Bring to a near boil SCALD
Bruins legend ORR
Bulldog's home YALE
Campaign fund WARCHEST
Cantonese cookers WOKS
Carrier to Ben Gurion Airport ELAL
Cause of some shivers AGUE
Cause of some shivers FEAR
Charles Lamb's nom de plume ELIA
Charter LET
Chew the scenery EMOTE
Clodhopper BOOR
Color quality TONE
Come by ATTAIN
Communist council SOVIET
Couples may swing here TEE
Denunciates DAMNS
Diligent worker PLIER
Disorderly do MOP
Distinctive atmospheres AURAS
Doctrine TENET
Draft status? ONTAP
Dundee denial NAE
Early Beatle Sutcliffe STU
Elisabeth of 'Leaving Las Vegas' SHUE
Ernest's unseen friend VERN
Explosive Italian landmark ETNA
Facilitate EASE
Finn chronicler TWAIN
First-rate TOPS
Fitting room activities TRYONS
Flowery ORNATE
Following force REARGUARD
Formal letters EPISTLES
Former CoverGirl model CAROLALT
Frozen confection brand ICEE
General Bradley OMAR
Get trounced by LOSETO
Gomez's nickname for his wife TISH
Good-humored AMIABLE
Green light OKAY
Improbable TALL
Clues Answers
Iranian coin RIAL
Is a good dog OBEYS
It takes a bow VIOLA
It's all the rage INTHING
Ivana's successor MARLA
Jed Clampett's portrayer EBSEN
Jenga maker HASBRO
Lake of Lombardy COMO
Like propellers BLADED
Like some symmetry AXIAL
Like the weakened Samson SHORN
Line from a book? DASH
Little, by a loch SMA
Lively Spanish dance FANDANGO
Loading dock slot BAY
McDonald's symbol ARCHES
Measure up to RIVAL
Mideast royal name SAUD
Mislead LIETO
Mork's home planet ORK
Mother of Pebbles WILMA
Munch Museum site OSLO
Muss up RUMPLE
No longer usable SHOT
Noah count? TWO
Occupy, as a table SITAT
Original capital of the Alaska Territory SITKA
Outer limits ENDS
Parks on a bus ROSA
Parma playhouse TEATRO
Part 2 of the quip THEDAYSTHATYOUR
Part 4 of the quip TOEARNTHESALARY
PC linkup LAN
Person on a mission? LEGATE
Piano key material EBONY
Pitchfork part TINE
Place for pitchers? ADAGENCY
Play by oneself SOLO
Pre-euro money LIRE
Pusher pursuer NARC
Put-on HOAX
Quill-dipping places INKWELLS
Rider of Sleipnir ODIN
Samantha of 'The Molly Maguires' EGGAR
Second largest retailer in the U.S. HOMEDEPOT
Smack in the face? KISS
Some Swiss watches OMEGAS
Somewhat ABIT
Sounds of relief AAHS
Spectra producer KIA
Stable staple OATS
Start of many Brazilian place names SAO
Talk lovingly COO
Talk show employee BOOKER
Tammany Hall leader TWEED
They're no dreamers REALISTS
Transportation Dept. division FAA
Unhappy expressions SCOWLS
Uno e due TRE
Unrefined fellow REDNECK
Vent, in a way EMIT
Wheaton of 'Stand By Me' WIL
When Ovid's 'Ars Amatoria' was written ONEBC
World's largest sultanate OMAN
___ life BIGAS