Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 29 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'-- and the Tramp' LADY
'Forget it' NOGO
'Rocky Horror' heroine JANET
-- Alamos LOS
-- out a living EKE
A long time AEON
Academy Awards prop ENVELOPE
Agile SPRY
Arguments in favor PROS
Beatle or apostle PAUL
Big-time glitch SNAFU
Birthright barterer ESAU
Bruce Wayne's butler ALFRED
Carillon components BELLS
Colorado Springs org USAF
Disinclined LOATH
Do in KILL
Doctor's due FEE
Don't just sit there ACT
Duel tool EPEE
Earlier than ERE
Early birds? EGGS
Easter purchase DYE
Emanation AURA
Gator's cousin CROC
Groovy COOL
High-protein bean SOYA
Highlander SCOT
Clues Answers
Incite PROD
Incite URGE
Layer TIER
Loathsome sort TOAD
Maintenance UPKEEP
Met melody ARIA
Military vehicle JEEP
Name for a Dalmatian SPOT
Not merely prompt EARLY
Omega preceder PSI
Overly fearful PARANOID
Pinch NIP
Protective walls PARAPETS
Pruritus ITCH
Render immobile PARALYZE
Right angles ELLS
Sea flier GULL
Serve tea POUR
Shrek, for one OGRE
Son-gun link OFA
Sort ILK
State with certainty AVER
Sternward AFT
Sun-shades PARASOLS
Suspicious LEERY
Taj Mahal city AGRA
Thickness PLY
Tolerate BEAR
War god ARES
Wood-shaping tool ADZ
You can't stand having one LAP