New York Times - Mar 6 2005

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Clues Answers
'As You Like It' lass CELIA
'China Beach' star Dana DELANY
'Good Times' matron portrayer ROLLE
1910's heavyweight champ Willard JESS
45 alternatives LPS
About INRE
Air mover FAN
Alchemist's life prolonger ELIXIR
All ___ EARS
Ally of the Missouri, once OTOE
Alternative to 50-Across PSST
Apple-polishers' perches? TOADYSTOOLS
Attach, as a patch SEWON
Bar with two screw threads UBOLT
Beach on the Costa del Sol PLAYA
Beneficiary DONEE
Big name in fake fat OLESTRA
Boutros-Ghali's successor ANNAN
Brecht's sometime collaborator WEILL
Brought forth BEGAT
Browbeating sleepyhead? BULLYDOZER
Bucko LAD
Camembert alternative BRIE
Cease, imperatively BELAY
Celebrity biographer Hawes ESME
City near Le Havre CAEN
Complete in every respect PLENARY
Completely repress BURY
Cover anew, as a plot RESOD
Cross-referencing word SEE
Crowning achievement CAPSTONE
Deny oneself ABNEGATE
Dis-tressed BALD
Diva ___ Te Kanawa KIRI
Dog that's up on the latest fashions? TRENDYSETTER
Dom DeLuise comedy FATSO
Duel units PACES
Dull-colored DUN
E. F. Hutton, e.g. BANKER
El ___, Calif. CENTRO
Exile isle ELBA
Extent of damage TOLL
Features of some cameos ONYXES
Field protector TARP
Film score composer Morricone ENNIO
Florida's ___ National Forest OCALA
Goes down EBBS
Goes down ABATES
Good season for kite-flying? WINDYFALL
Gossipy squibs ITEMS
Gratifies GLADDENS
Greeting from a dwarf? SHORTYWAVE
Halfhearted TEPID
Have something at home EATIN
In the manner of ALA
Is laid up AILS
It can knock people out ETHER
It may be blind ALLEY
It rises when you get a raise PAYRATE
It's temporarily in FAD
Ivy League team ELIS
Just barely, after 'by' ANOSE
Kingklip catchers EELERS
Lab tube PIPET
Lasting aftereffects SCARS
Late name in Mideast politics YASIR
Listing ATILT
Lord's worker SERF
Low islands CAYS
Clues Answers
Lower abdomens? BELLYBOTTOMS
Lulu of a predicament? DILLYPICKLE
Makarova of tennis ELENA
Make gender-neutral DESEX
Meanies' miens SCOWLS
Meaningful little cough AHEM
Memo abbr. ATTN
Midshipman's counterpart CADET
More than a handful SIX
Movie with the Oscar-nominated song 'Papa, Can You Hear Me?' YENTL
Mr. Miniver, in 'Mrs. Miniver' CLEM
Mrs. Jock Ewing ELLIE
Nada NIL
Near Eastern port ADEN
Noise that Emily Post wouldn't approve of SLURP
Not bright DREARY
Not working OFF
Nuanced SUBTLE
Oblique ASLANT
Ocean liners? COASTS
Oft-replaced part HIP
Pascal or newton UNIT
Penn Station inits. LIRR
Performer with a balancing act SEAL
Picket provokers SCABS
Pivot SLUE
Play interrupter TIMEOUT
Play the field, so to speak DATE
Playwright Capek KAREL
Pleasantly sweet HONEYED
Practice, pugilistically SPAR
Preattack tactic SIEGE
Price fixer CARTEL
Prison punishment SOLITARY
Resolved DEADSET
Revolutionary War patriot Putnam RUFUS
Rush attraction ORE
See 17-Down HAT
Sell online ETAIL
Shark's place SANJOSE
Sherman served with him TAFT
Slivovitz or kirsch? BRANDYNAME
Small wood COPSE
Sorry souls RUERS
Stereotypical lab assistant IGOR
Superhero's transformation word SHAZAM
Supermodel Bündchen GISELE
Symbols of safe passage ARKS
The blahs ENNUI
The Capris' 'There's ___ Out Tonight' AMOON
Thick foam on beer? BULKYHEAD
Tightened, in a way RELACED
Time on end EONS
Tone down SOFTEN
Totally eliminate ERASE
Treat like dirt ABASE
Trough site EAVE
Tub-thumped ORATED
Two-pointers? COLONS
Unfamiliar ALIEN
Valentine for Valéry AMIE
Wagonfuls of feathers? DOWNYLOADS
Welfare payments, e.g. DOLE
Went up SCALED
With 54-Down, a derby, e.g. FELT
XXX part TAC
Yes, in Yokohama HAI
___ Spiegel (German magazine) DER