Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - May 13 2012

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Clues Answers
'-- a snap!' ITS
'-- for Cookie' ('Sesame Street' tune) CIS
'-- tu' (Verdi aria) ERI
'... Mac -- PC?' ORA
'Ad -- per aspera' (Kansas' motto) ASTRA
'Come again?' WHAT
'Little House on the Prairie' shopkeeper NELS
'Nothing --!' DOING
'So long' SEEYOU
'The Family Circus' cartoonist Bil KEANE
'To be -- ...' ORNOT
'To be,' to Tiberius ESSE
'Woo- --!' HOO
-- Stanley Gardner ERLE
ACLU issues: Abbr RTS
Actress Fox MEGAN
Add- -- (peripherals) ONS
Airline to Ben Gurion ELAL
Amateur NONPRO
Applying to all ACROSSTHEBOARD
Arranged for SAWTO
Arrive at, as a solution HITON
Arriving like fog ROLLINGIN
Autograph: Abbr SIG
Bancroft of '7 Women' ANNE
Banquet liquid holder URN
Barks in pain YELPS
Bauxite, e.g ORE
Be snaky TWIST
Beats (up) ROUGHS
Big name in early computers CRAY
Brief moment SEC
Bring forth BEGET
Broader WIDER
Buenos --, Argentina AIRES
Bus. rep AGT
Casino game ROULETTE
Challenge for a lab rat MAZE
City of Light PARIS
Co. offering a Buddy List AOL
Coagulates CLOTS
Coal carrier HOD
Construction beams with 90-degree angles LBARS
D.C. summer hrs EDT
Dayton-to-Toledo dir NNE
Declaration AVOWAL
Drink like Fido LAP
Dumbbell DOPE
Easter eats HAM
Ending for opal INE
Enlarged map details INSETS
Exempt from regulations ABOVETHELAW
Extent RANGE
Figuring-out shouts AHAS
Finer in meaning SUBTLER
Gift for music EAR
Give a -- (care) HOOT
Gold, to Julio ORO
Golf surprise ACE
Handle the helm STEER
Hard up NEEDY
Have unpaid bills OWE
Help in crime ABET
Hen's resting place ROOST
Holds HAS
Ida. neighbor WYO
In a foxy way SLYLY
Inflated head EGO
Italian Riviera city SANREMO
Clues Answers
Its capital is Nuku'alofa TONGA
Justice Kagan ELENA
L'OrŽal rival CLAIROL
Lash of Western films LARUE
Lea lady? EWE
Lemon-hued YELLOW
Lexus rival ACURA
Lower exterior part of a ship's hull BILGE
Luau gifts LEIS
Maestro Toscanini ARTURO
Momentous time ERA
Municipal statute: Abbr ORD
Neighbor of Kauai OAHU
Not masked UNHID
Not up on current trends BEHINDTHECURVE
Oktoberfest dances POLKAS
Ollas, e.g POTS
One peeking GLANCER
Ones going a-courting WOOERS
Onion or lily BULB
Oom- -- PAH
Otoscope-wielding doc ENT
Ottawa site ONTARIO
Out of character AGAINSTTHEGRAIN
Oz musical, with 'The' WIZ
Past proper limits BEYONDTHEPALE
Pizazz OOMPH
Pol Quayle DAN
Prefix with anthropology PALEO
Prefix with diversity BIO
Produces a winter blanket? SNOWS
Publication that's quickly thumbed FLIPBOOK
Punch noise POW
Quito's land ECUADOR
Rat-a- -- TAT
Ray of fast-food fame KROC
Reassuring words after an accident IMOK
Remove from a computer UNINSTALL
S-X linkup TUVW
Sci-fi's Solo HAN
See 46-Down EGG
Shah, e.g RULER
Shah, e.g IRANI
Smith's tool ANVIL
Spanish for 'others' OTROS
Speech spot DAIS
Stat of fuel efficiency MPG
States north of Nebraska DAKOTAS
Subjected to severe trials THROUGHTHEMILL
Suffix with 58-Down IST
Suffix with child ISH
Suffix with east ERN
Suffix with meteor OID
Suffix with propyl ENE
Suffix with schnozz or Motor OLA
Symbol before a key signature CLEF
Take a whack TRY
Tapered off EBBED
Taxing work LABOR
That, to Tito ESO
Theater area LOGE
Theologian's subj REL
Timmy's TV dog LASSIE
Union topic WAGES
Vowel string AEIOU
Washoe County seat RENO
Way up there in years OVERTHEHILL
With 62-Down, rotten sort BAD
Without face value, as stock NOPAR
Woodsy, e.g OWL
Yogi of baseball BERRA