- May 1 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''No __, ands, or buts!'' IFS
25 Down craft, for short UFO
Adolescent TEEN
Airplane boarding place GATE
Annoyed, with ''off'' TEED
Bearded farm animal GOAT
Behind schedule LATE
Bewildered comment IDONTUNDERSTAND
Bewildered comment ITSALLGREEKTOME
Bewildered comment IHAVENTGOTACLUE
Bit of numerical trivia STAT
Brief disputes SETTOS
Buffet table heater STERNO
Come in second LOSE
Conscious (of) AWARE
Copenhagen residents DANES
Don't give up KEEPATIT
Elaborate ruse HOAX
Entertainment room appliance TVSET
Expected landing hrs ETAS
Fairy tale meanie OGRE
Fishing-line holders REELS
Flip-chart stand EASEL
Futuristic novel genre SCIFI
Gawk at OGLE
Happen next ENSUE
Hawaiian dance HULA
Highway ROAD
Highway off-ramp EXIT
Highway on-ramp ENTRANCE
Ireland nickname ERIN
Jar tops LIDS
Juliet's love ROMEO
Kitchen wear APRON
Lake boat CANOE
Lamb's mother EWE
Land of the Taj Mahal INDIA
Long-running argument FEUD
Make __ for it (flee) ARUN
Clues Answers
Moccasin or loafer SHOE
Mystical glow AURA
Neck-and-neck EVEN
Not doing anything IDLE
Oil cartel OPEC
Once in a blue __ MOON
One on guard duty SENTINEL
Open the door for LETIN
Paid attention to NOTED
Painter Salvador DALI
Poker pot starter ANTE
Pollute TAINT
Potato, slangily TATER
Prefix for light TWI
Prophetic signs OMENS
Puppy's bite NIP
Rage IRE
Residing in LIVINGAT
Slips into DONS
Speak unclearly SLUR
Stave (off) WARD
Sunrise direction EAST
Take a chair SIT
Tries out TESTS
Troop group UNIT
Urge on GOAD
USA alliance NATO
Very impressed AWED
Waffle appliance IRON
Walking stick CANE
Watchdog's warning GRR
Way of speaking TONE
White Halloween costume GHOST
Your pick of ANY
__ cost (free) ATNO
__-cone (icy treat) SNO
__-lock brakes ANTI