- Apr 29 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Daniel'' singer John ELTON
''Gangsta'' music RAP
''No kidding!'' HONEST
''Shampoo'' Oscar winner LEEGRANT
''South Park'' kid STAN
''The Tempest'' spirit ARIEL
''The Thinker'' sculptor RODIN
''What's more . . .'' ALSO
''What's more . . .'' AND
''Who __ kidding?'' WASI
1993 Holly Hunter film THEPIANO
Absorbs, with ''up'' SOPS
Ace up one's sleeve? PLACEDCARD
Actress Andrews JULIE
Air hero ACE
Alto or tenor VOICE
Anesthetic of old ETHER
Applause on cue? STAGEDHAND
Artist's topper BERET
Bad news for Mickelson BOGEY
Bagel filling LOX
Bassoonists' buys REEDS
Bespectacled dwarf DOC
Big name in printers EPSON
Blues street of Memphis BEALE
Botanical transplant GRAFT
Breaks of day DAWNS
Bundled, as straw BALED
Bunyan's ox BABE
Calcutta coin RUPEE
Cause to melt DEICE
Checking account type NOFEE
City near Sparks RENO
Couldn't endure DREADED
Cut back on the power? PRUNEDJUICE
Cutlet meat VEAL
Cyclist's selection TENSPEED
Dance in 3/4 time WALTZ
Dealt in old German money? TRADEDMARKS
Dentist's tool DRILL
Dixieland trumpeter Al HIRT
Does not exist ISNT
E'en if THO
EMT's expertise CPR
Endure BEAR
Equestrian's garb HABIT
Exec's extra PERK
Federal law targeting organized crime RICO
Flock members EWES
Food that goes down smooth? PLANEDFARE
Frasier's TV brother NILES
From Waterford IRISH
Gads about ROVES
General Powell COLIN
Genesis brother ABEL
Gets quick cash for HOCKS
Global septet SEAS
Go with the flow DRIFT
Goofed ERRED
Gradually appear FADEIN
Ground crew's covering TARP
Halloween option TRICK
Handed out DEALT
Hardware in a cattle shed? STOREDBRAND
Headmaster's title SIR
Heavy burden LOAD
Helped a forgetful actor? STATEDLINES
Hershey subsidiary REESE
Highlander GAEL
Hobby farm denizen ANT
Honored nation? GRACEDLAND
Informal eatery DINER
Clues Answers
Iranian money RIAL
Is nosy PRIES
It may be masking TAPE
Jai __ ALAI
Keen about INTO
Lb. and kg WTS
Li'l Abner's love DAISYMAE
Like suspicious eyes BEADY
Major pain HASSLE
Make amends ATONE
Marked wrong XED
Miles away AFAR
Monopolizes HOGS
Mortise's mate TENON
Name that means ''happy'' FELIX
Natural soother ALOE
Naval lockups BRIGS
Nile queen, for short CLEO
None too happy SORE
Not legit FAKED
Nottingham's river TRENT
On alert READY
Ore deposit LODE
Outfield surface SOD
Pacific Rim locale ASIA
Part of ETA ARR
Perfumery bit PETAL
Pick and choose SELECT
Play starter ACTONE
Poke with a pin PRICK
Princess Fiona in ''Shrek'' DIAZ
Put up ERECT
Quick haircut TRIM
Reduce to mush MASH
Rubbernecked STAREDAT
S&P 500 stock APPLE
Scratchy voice RASP
Sculpture, painting, etc FINEARTS
Send along PASSON
Sign of sorrow TEAR
Siren's sound WAIL
Sires, as in the Bible BEGETS
Smaller than small PETITE
Smartphone buys APPS
Spectrum slice RED
Spray finely MIST
Start a pot ANTE
Start for fab or fix PRE
Statement of belief CREED
Stole food while cooking? RIFLEDRANGE
Stood up to FACED
Sty dwellers SWINE
Tach readings RPMS
Texas national park BIGBEND
Thatching material STRAW
Tip over UPEND
Too thin GAUNT
Top pick, briefly FAVE
Trapped, as a cat TREED
TV's first big star BERLE
Unfolds OPENS
Uniquely ALONE
Upper-left PC key ESC
Vivacity BRIO
Warty critter TOAD
Wear down ERODE
Wispy clouds CIRRI
Worked with wicker CANED
__-relief BAS
__-Roman wrestling GRECO