Universal - Feb 23 2005

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Dallas'' clan EWING
''Harper Valley PTA'' singer RILEY
''Satchel'' Paige, really LEROY
''The ___ is history'' REST
After-school lineup BUSES
Assistant with a hunch? IGOR
Badlands creature BISON
Canoer's threat EDDY
Catbird seat? NEST
Cheese and crackers, e.g. SNACK
Cigarette stat TAR
Daybed of sorts SOFA
Dik-dik's relative ELAND
Evil brother of Osiris SET
Farmer's prayer request, sometimes RAIN
First name in a Tolstoy novel ANNA
First word of a Pacino film SCENT
German magician and alchemist FAUST
Got a good look at EYED
Greek letter PHI
He says, in a game SIMON
Idle of Monty Python ERIC
Ike's WWII command ETO
In this location HERE
Intangible surrounding AURA
Jazz lover's tag HEPCAT
Juicy morsels TIDBITS
Licensing charge FEE
Like Baker's ''Sack'' SAD
Lowest par THREE
Manual offerings TIPS
Mediterranean gulf ORAN
Mork's supervisor ORSON
Name for a pet squid? INKY
Next to nothing? ONE
Clues Answers
Old Norse poetry collection EDDA
Olympian Carl LEWIS
Parts of the yard? FEET
Peek at provocatively OGLE
Pilots put them down FLAPS
Popped up AROSE
Proceed against SUE
Propeller part BLADE
Put forward OFFER
Raised, as cattle BRED
Ready for the showers UNDRESSED
Receive interest EARN
Retrocedes EBBS
Rich soil deposit LOESS
Rip apart REND
Salver TRAY
Sarah Vaughan's sobriquet SASSY
Shroud site TURIN
Sovereign's stand-in REGENT
Splice after cutting EDIT
Substitute for gum or Jove? GEORGE
Surrealist painter Magritte RENE
Taedium vitae ENNUI
The world, to Atlas ONUS
Three-time Frazier foe ALI
Trudge along PLOD
Umbrage IRE
Unexpected hit SLEEPER
Untalented artist HACK
Vandyke, e.g. BEARD
Vegas casino razed in 1996 SANDS
Well-rounded? PLUMP
Wets one's whistle, in a way SIPS
Wore the carpet thin PACED
Worry compulsively OBSESS
Wrapped up ENDED
___ in the wool DYED