Universal - Feb 21 2005

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Clues Answers
''... man ___ mouse?'' ORA
''... to thine own ___ be true'' SELF
''Sea of Love'' star Barkin ELLEN
''___ and his money ...'' AFOOL
Acapulco abode CASA
Add the audio DUB
Astral flareup NOVA
Barn door fastener HASP
Be in the driver's seat CALLALLTHESHOTS
Be in the driver's seat HOLDALLTHECARDS
Be in the driver's seat HAVEOVERABARREL
Bernie's partner in songwriting ELTON
Blabbed TOLD
BO advisory SRO
Broad necktie ASCOT
Canine coats ENAMELS
Chow down with class DINE
Cicero's garb TOGA
Collectively INALL
Come-hither stare OGLE
Custard-filled tart FLAN
Deadly African virus EBOLA
Dish for serving soup TUREEN
Do an impression of APE
Egyptian life symbol ANKH
European volcano ETNA
Exec.'s degree, perhaps MBA
Fairy-tale monster OGRE
False god mentioned in Judges BAAL
Feature of some heroes SALAMI
Golden and Bronze, e.g. AGES
Have status RATE
Ireland, in verse ERIN
It features fast service TENNIS
It has feathers and flies DART
It may be restricted AREA
Look sullen LOUR
Major broadcaster NBC
Clues Answers
Make judgments DEEM
Nickname of a cinematic Jones INDY
Not persona ANIMA
Of interest to John Paul PAPAL
On ___ with (about the same as) APAR
One of the Ponderosa boys ADAM
One who shines STAR
Oohed and ___ AAHED
Paper producers MILLS
Paris underground METRO
Part of Q&A ANS
Pastoral expanses LEAS
Poor fellow? SLOB
Postpone, as legislation TABLE
Pout's place OCEAN
Put down harshly SLAM
Quantum theory subject ATOM
Sacrosanct HOLY
Shares a border with ABUTS
Sibilant summons PSST
Sideline cheers RAHS
Small and delicate ELFIN
Spanish woman's title DONA
Splint's locale, perhaps SHIN
Sugar source CANE
Surrounding atmosphere AURA
Tel ___ AVIV
They're for the birds NESTS
They're well-matched MATES
Tolkien monsters ORCS
Treaty goal PEACE
Type of plate, bar or fork SALAD
Uglify SCAR
Vending machine feature SLOT
Vivacious actress West MAE
Weather forecast, perhaps HAIL
Words with equal basis or upswing ONAN
Wrinkle one's brow KNIT