The Guardian - Quick crossword No 12,544 - Jul 24 2010

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Clues Answers
American author living in England BRYSON
As yet undecided INTHEBALANCE
Citrus fruit UGLI
Commonplace MEDIOCRE
Element such as helium, neon etc RAREGAS
Forbid VETO
Full of oneself COCKY
Generate (anag) TEENAGER
Golf stroke PUTT
Imperturbable EVENTEMPERED
Clues Answers
Indistinct VAGUE
Mineral such as fool's gold PYRITES
Musical compositions (French) ETUDES
Pleasant to look at EASYONTHEEYE
Related to farming AGRICULTURAL
Someone from Belgrade? SERB
Supply with water IRRIGATE
Terrapins (anag) TRANSPIRE
Toying — trifling — delay DALLIANCE
Visual effect ASPECT