- Apr 26 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
Aimed toward POINTEDAT
Backs up one's words WALKSTHEWALK
Bar bill TAB
Beast of burden ASS
Bladed shoe SKATE
Broods SULKS
Camera part IRIS
Camera part LENS
Carpenter's need WORKBENCH
Cattle convention HERD
Complicate DEEPEN
Complicates ADDSTO
Couples TWOS
Decide upon SET
Demonstrates SHOWS
Dickens title starter ATALE
Domain TURF
Drawing rooms SALONS
Drops the ball ERRS
Edible sample TASTE
Emphatic agreement AMEN
Excited about INTO
Female lobster HEN
Fine-tune HONE
Frat letter ETA
Genesis locale EDEN
Hanger-on LEECH
Harder to get RARER
Heart of a computer CPU
Informal refusal NOPE
Italy's ''Supreme Poet'' DANTE
Knock for a loop STUN
Knocks down RAZES
Lip-reading alternative: Abbr ASL
Marsh grass REED
Monthly expense RENT
Motivation for some trips EGO
Muffin flavor OAT
Muscle swelling KNOT
Clues Answers
Nation near Fiji SAMOA
Natural successor HEIR
Neck of the woods AREA
Not to be repeated ONCE
On edge TENSE
Orchestra group OBOES
Out-and-out UTTER
Palm reader SEER
Performs ostentatiously STRUTSONESSTUFF
Photo op, for example EVENT
Polly, to Tom AUNT
Pose a point ASK
Put off DEFER
Ransack and rob RIFLE
Refinable rock ORE
Safety device NET
Sawbuck TEN
Serpentine shape ESS
Shake off ELUDE
Short flight HOP
Shrek, for one OGRE
Social equal PEER
Soup scoop LADLE
Spanish Surrealist DALI
Start using TAP
State river of Indiana WABASH
Street merchant HAWKER
Strong-arm COERCE
Surfing surface WAVE
Table extender LEAF
Tell a big one LIE
Telltale sign ODOR
Three-way pipe connection TEE
Took an oath SWORE
Underworld of myth HADES
Vivarin competitor NODOZ
Wee hour ONE
Winter bug FLU