The Guardian - Quick crossword No 12,088 - Feb 5 2009

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Clues Answers
Another's (anag) - style of furniture SHERATON
Aquatic animal FISH
Battleship in film POTEMKIN
Broken - bosom BUST
Catfish as food ROCKSALMON
Chew - ponder RUMINATE
Device for seeing very small objects MICROSCOPE
Grade RANK
Having little width THIN
Highly charged speech HARANGUE
Incentive - branch SPUR
Industrial action STRIKE
Clues Answers
Nervous EDGY
Paid job requiring little work SINECURE
Philatelist's book STAMPALBUM
Playwright and architect of Blenheim Palace VANBRUGH
Principal FOREMOST
Quick look GLANCE
Seaman's term for non-seaman LANDLUBBER
Stalk - check STEM
Thin type of china EGGSHELL
Vegetable associated with Wales LEEK
Victim of habit ADDICT
Whiten - disinfectant BLEACH