The Guardian - Quick crossword No 11,705 - Nov 12 2007

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Clues Answers
Boast - card game BRAG
Book by Aldous Huxley BRAVENEWWORLD
Book by Arthur Ransome SWALLOWS
Campaigner or winner CHAMPION
Child's word for farm animal MOOCOW
Condescend DEIGN
Disease from lack of vitamin C SCURVY
Doctoring of news etc SPIN
Failure (after successful career?) DOWNFALL
Go away! SHOO
Clues Answers
Goddess of love VENUS
Large animal WHALE
Obscene LEWD
Plan for travel - or for peace ROADMAP
Pleasant to associate with COMPANIONABLE
Scene of Falklands battle GOOSEGREEN
Shakespeare hero - book by Virginia Woolf ORLANDO
Small bunch of flowers NOSEGAY
Souvenir MEMENTO
Striped horse ZEBRA