- Jan 19 2005

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Clues Answers
''For shame!'' TSK
''For shame!'' TSK
''My mistake!'' OOPS
''My mistake!'' OOPS
''__ been thinking . . .'' IVE
''__ been thinking . . .'' IVE
''__ when?'' SINCE
''__ when?'' SINCE
''__ you serious?'' ARE
''__ you serious?'' ARE
11th U.S. President POLK
11th U.S. President POLK
Adversary OPPONENT
Adversary OPPONENT
Audition reward ROLE
Audition reward ROLE
Audubon subject BIRD
Audubon subject BIRD
Barely defeated EDGED
Barely defeated EDGED
Basketball stadium ARENA
Basketball stadium ARENA
Bear in a crib TEDDY
Bear in a crib TEDDY
Boom times UPS
Boom times UPS
Brake component SHOE
Brake component SHOE
Built to last WELLMADE
Built to last WELLMADE
CBS drama CSI
CBS drama CSI
Chill-inducing EERIE
Chill-inducing EERIE
Cold period SNAP
Cold period SNAP
Come up short OWE
Come up short OWE
Comic's bit GAG
Comic's bit GAG
Composer Rorem NED
Composer Rorem NED
Corrida cheer OLE
Corrida cheer OLE
Dada artist ARP
Dada artist ARP
Derby transaction BET
Derby transaction BET
Do in SLAY
Do in SLAY
Dumpster stuff TRASH
Dumpster stuff TRASH
End of a loaf HEEL
End of a loaf HEEL
Fling CAST
Fling CAST
Floored INAWE
Floored INAWE
Give testimony SWEAR
Give testimony SWEAR
Hang in the air HOVER
Hang in the air HOVER
Helps, as a crook ABETS
Helps, as a crook ABETS
Herd word MOO
Herd word MOO
Hook-shaped peninsula CAPECOD
Hook-shaped peninsula CAPECOD
However, briefly THO
However, briefly THO
Ill-behaved BAD
Ill-behaved BAD
Ipanema locale RIO
Ipanema locale RIO
LAX posting ETA
LAX posting ETA
Marx Brothers straight man ZEPPO
Marx Brothers straight man ZEPPO
Clues Answers
Monkey suit TUX
Monkey suit TUX
Move effortlessly GLIDE
Move effortlessly GLIDE
Musical McEntire REBA
Musical McEntire REBA
Novelist Jong ERICA
Novelist Jong ERICA
Openly admit AVOW
Openly admit AVOW
Part of Q&A ANS
Part of Q&A ANS
Pawn or bishop MAN
Pawn or bishop MAN
Place to eat KOSHERDELI
Place to eat CHUCKWAGON
Place to eat KOSHERDELI
Place to eat TEAROOM
Place to eat CHUCKWAGON
Place to eat TEAROOM
Polynesian carving TIKI
Polynesian carving TIKI
Practice pugilism SPAR
Practice pugilism SPAR
Put on the books ENACTED
Put on the books ENACTED
Quinn of ''Practical Magic'' AIDAN
Quinn of ''Practical Magic'' AIDAN
Remove, as a corsage UNPIN
Remove, as a corsage UNPIN
Requiring fancy duds DRESSY
Requiring fancy duds DRESSY
Ricky, on ''I Love Lucy'' DESI
Ricky, on ''I Love Lucy'' DESI
Scraped knee, to a toddler OWIE
Scraped knee, to a toddler OWIE
Shindig PARTY
Shindig PARTY
Singer from Ireland ENYA
Singer from Ireland ENYA
Sinuous SNAKY
Sinuous SNAKY
Smash to bits BUSTUP
Smash to bits BUSTUP
Snorkelers' site REEF
Snorkelers' site REEF
Sodom survivor LOT
Sodom survivor LOT
Stable fathers SIRES
Stable fathers SIRES
Steady stare GAZE
Steady stare GAZE
Stitch temporarily BASTE
Stitch temporarily BASTE
Takes over, as territory ANNEXES
Takes over, as territory ANNEXES
Taper off DWINDLE
Taper off DWINDLE
Theater award OBIE
Theater award OBIE
Uncool dude NERD
Uncool dude NERD
Ventriloquist Bergen EDGAR
Ventriloquist Bergen EDGAR
Vinyl collection LPS
Vinyl collection LPS
Western lily SEGO
Western lily SEGO
Wheat, for one CROP
Wheat, for one CROP
Wonder Woman's headgear TIARA
Wonder Woman's headgear TIARA
__ orange NAVEL
__ orange NAVEL