USA Today - Jan 7 2005

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Clues Answers
"Dear" letter addressee MADAM
"___ Melancholy" ODEON
100 centimos PESETA
64-Across preceder DOT
Adam's grandson ENOS
Amazing driving result ACE
Aniston's hubby PITT
April Fools' Day baby ARIES
At any time EVER
Audience warning, briefly SRO
Avg. size REG
Bagpipers' garb TARTANS
Birdbrain NITWIT
Blow up, maybe LOSEIT
Captivate ENAMOR
Cassoulet or haricot STEW
Certain numero UNO
Congenial NICE
CPA's recommendation, perhaps IRA
Currycomb target MANE
Dovish response COO
Eyeballed OGLED
Fervency ARDOR
Fix one's gaze on STAREAT
Flat on one's face PRONE
Forestalls AVERTS
Fox monitor FCC
Frighten off SCAREAWAY
Gilbert and Sullivan work OPERETTA
Golfer Michelle WIE
Greek salad extra OLIVE
Greenwich ghost SPECTRE
Gullible one SAP
Have feelings for CAREABOUT
Heat provider RADIATOR
Holmes' creator DOYLE
Hrs. on the 90th meridian CST
Hunger YEARN
Iditarod terminus NOME
Clues Answers
Indian VIPs (Var.) RAJAS
Jolly fellow? ROGER
Kind of curl SPIT
Kind of lettuce or cucumber SEA
Largest Caribbean island CUBA
Last Supper cup GRAIL
Lawrence Welk's intro AONE
Massachusetts cape ANN
Mother of Demeter RHEA
Object of loathing ANATHEMA
One way to look ALIVE
Open, as a clasp UNDO
Org. for the man on the street? AAA
Prompted CUED
Protagonist HERO
Provide justification GIVEAREASON
Puts away EATS
Relative of .org EDU
Reuben's home? DELI
Riding whip CROP
Sergeant fish SNOOK
Sets aside EARMARKS
Sitting duck, potentially PREY
Slender gulls TERNS
Stick, as if by suction ADHERE
Stories FIBS
Swashbuckler Flynn ERROL
Swearing-in pledge OATH
Swings, musically JIVES
Tot's mount PONY
Tough spot for Daniel DEN
Tragedy or comedy, e.g. GENRE
Twist in pain WRITHE
Two of a kind DYAD
Univ. sports promoter NCAA
Vacation purpose, perhaps REST
Wood in archery bows YEW
World's third-largest island BORNEO