The Guardian - Quick crossword No 10,025 - Jun 21 2002

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Clues Answers
(Of acting) unnaturally stiff WOODEN
(Of the eye) red BLOODSHOT
(Unruly) crowd MOB
Appertaining to the guts VISCERAL
Black liquid TAR
Burden LOAD
Expedition OUTING
Fail to pay debt DEFAULT
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Food of the repentant? HUMBLEPIE
French painter MATISSE
H- (as in H-bomb) THERMONUCLEAR
Inflammation on eyelid STYE
Clues Answers
Line of latitude determined by the solstice TROPIC
Long poem EPIC
Member of the cattle family BUFFALO
Mock(ery) RIDICULE
Piece of information DATUM
Put down or into bank DEPOSIT
Refuse to accept DISALLOW
Refuse to speak CLAMUP
Speak - absolute! UTTER
Spell of eg drinking BOUT
Subservient Negro UNCLETOM
Traditional British policy? MUDDLETHROUGH