New York Times - Nov 11 2004

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Clues Answers
'Are not' retort AMTOO
'___, like lightning, seeks the highest places': Livy ENVY
22-Across sight TRAFFICLIGHT
22-Across sight CROSSWALK
90 is a high one PROOF
Actress Anderson LONI
Angers IRES
Appealed PLED
Battery points ANODES
Became dark LATENED
Biblical mount SINAI
Big Ten sch. OSU
Breakfast brand EGGO
Broccoli ___ (vegetable) RABE
Call a radio show, e.g. DIALIN
Civic leader LION
Clumsy craft ARK
Controversial talk EBONICS
Cot site CAMP
Court order ALLRISE
Dairy Queen concoctions SODAS
Declined SAIDNO
Essays TRIES
Explore caves SPELUNK
Flash lamp filler XENON
Grandma, in a fairy tale WOLF
Green RAW
Haunted house sound CREAK
He wrote 'The only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment' DESADE
Heel CAD
How, say, eating worms might be done ONADARE
Incurred RANUP
Is insistent PRESSES
Clues Answers
It goes back and forth in the woods SAW
Kind of service TAXI
Kodak competitor AGFA
Less savage TAMER
Lover boy? EROS
Maine college town ORONO
March who hosted TV's 'The $64,000 Question' HAL
Meeting place INTERSECTION
Modern camera feature ZOOM
More than a brawl WAR
Much talked-about antiviral drug, briefly AZT
O. Henry plot specialty TWIST
Object of 60's protests: Abbr. SSS
Ones thrown for a loop? LARIATS
Orderer's option TOGO
Place for a classic fight SANDBOX
Presidential inits. DDE
Pretentious sort SNOB
San Francisco's ___ Hill NOB
Setting for many Sholem Aleichem stories SHTETL
Several roles in 'The Barber of Seville' BASSI
Slanted ITALIC
Some modern 'rewards' MILES
Suffix with pay OLA
Talk up TOUT
Time-worn OLD
Turkey is part of it EURASIA
Turn over CEDE
Up on things AWARE
Vacation wheels: Abbr. RVS
What a mirror image has AXIS
Wine: Prefix OENO
Yadda, yadda, yadda ETCETERA
___ King Cole NAT
___-cone SNO