The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 25,464 - Oct 27 2011

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Clues Answers
11 pigs or bats rising late OVERSLEEPING
Bum on the floor, a fanatic hosting party DOWNANDOUT
Cheat's character accidental CARDSHARP
College opening ORIEL
Dirt's ending underneath a shoe — that's charming AMULET
Fighting to curb tide, I'd lost — to this? WATER
In fleeting instant, pointing to the sky for light IGNITE
Leave handle again? RETREAT
Liberal, firm and good COPIOUS
Look, someone in a turban, so to speak? SEEK
Look, someone in the loo, so to speak? PEER
Monarch born, one wounded in massacre KNEE
Old number 35 London bus we drove home to Scunthorpe, so luggage is all over the place! DOESYOUR
On top, go over once more RECAP
Paddle in doubt, struggling to find boat's motor OUTBOARD
Clues Answers
Papers written up in project on hard book JUDITH
Party time under model coming up for Gilbert, perhaps? LIBRETTIST
Person bound to come up with the goods in man's breakfast items FRESHEGGS
President claims writer saw his tool? CARPENTER
Quick introduction to centrifugal force CLEVER
Reserves stuffing Manchester United, perhaps? Correct REDRESS
Schmuck we buried in plot, laid back DWEEB
Scottish, might you say? That's funny! JOCULAR
See 16 LOSE
Soldier crawling under material, seeing another soldier SERGEANT
Vicar's right and always on target REVEREND